Search results

  1. Figit090

    truck dillema

    What do you mean sucks? why does the 22r suck? lack of power and torque? i voted "whattt" on accident. Now I vote "YES" anyway, pics of the rest of the truck? how bad is the rust? turbo won't be cheap but i'm sure you'll check on prices. If you can rebuild it and have a nice running...
  2. Figit090

    The $2008 Grassroots challenge build-up thread

    I CAN'T WAIT. :) best of luck! I'd like to do this someday....I was thinking of entering LeMons but I don't have money or time for it at the moment... Do you know how long coverage will take to hit the magazine? I will have to buy that issue...
  3. Figit090

    Firefox just got competition... Google Chrome....

    text search and download features are nice. downloads can be paused and any downloads you add show up at the bottom of your screen so you can monitor their stats without crap in the way. so far no glitches. :) and the bookmarks bar, i just discovered...easily hides and unhides with ctrl+b...
  4. Figit090

    Australia suffering 'man drought'

    now we know what you do on your days out on the town. :nono::biglaugh:
  5. Figit090

    Firefox just got competition... Google Chrome.... use google chrome. lol. it has considerably more space. not a ton, but check out some screenshots, it is smaller. much like F11 on FF or IE like was said earlier the first thing i really noticed to be positive IS the extra space. I like that It has the space of FF3 when F11'd...
  6. Figit090

    Post YOUR MKIV

    what was your time on that run?
  7. Figit090

    Random YouTube Videos.... (Some very NWS)

    this one is nuts.... its kinda grimacing when you think about how her spine is bending just above her hips...
  8. Figit090

    For Mike and Theresa

    lol....that was cute. kinda like a cap gun but one you could actually loose an eye with!
  9. Figit090

    solid rear axle

    Yeah but that's still an amazing car. what's wrong with the tube? lots of extra work? I dont really know what your other idea would look like I dont know enough to picture the "ladder bars" in my head. i'll google it. at least you can have the full "HOLY SHIT" effect when other supra owners...
  10. Figit090

    front lip

    ^what he said :P I was JUST looking at my front lip today. next vacation i'm going to tap a dent in under my passenger door and get rid of the surface rust, and mend my front lip, which appears to mostly be crooked because of it's bent mount. however that works. it is bent though.
  11. Figit090

    Loose Shifter

    my shifter jiggles in any gear...and 5th feels kinda..."out there" if you know what i mean. I'm guessing I should get these too then? Thanks +1 on those parts numbers. Could I fairly easily remove my shifter and replace these and fill my tranny with fresh fluid while I've got the shifter...
  12. Figit090

    Pneumatic power, for a CAR!!!!

    I made a balloon car once..... It didn't get 50 miles though. :D They should call it the FART car to team up with those SMART cars... HAR HAR.
  13. Figit090

    Tire Shredder's MK2 7MGE budget NA screamer build thread

    aww man WOW nice job and nice car! I really like it, looks great! don't forget video footage! :D
  14. Figit090

    Has anyone done 24 hours of LeMons??

    Thanks for all the replies everyone! They're all great! Scratched MR2 from the possibilities. so far 280 sounds the best. possibly the suzuki but only because it would be free and we'd have 500 dollars for..whatever. I will look at the photos, so far we're checking out any car we see under...
  15. Figit090

    Has anyone done 24 hours of LeMons??

    It's actually said in the rules that it's not a contact race, it will happen, but there are VW golfs that enter too...and miatas. if you screw around and hit people you're penalized and/or kicked out. I saw a picture of one racer who was driving rough. As punishment they welded a spike bar...
  16. Figit090

    Has anyone done 24 hours of LeMons??

    more pics; damaged on other side: decent but grimy engine; rest of car looks clean;
  17. Figit090

    Has anyone done 24 hours of LeMons??

    BAHAHA great responces guys! haha... well we're thinking of a 280zx if we can get it. or a wrecked MR2. can someone tell me how fixable this MR2 looks? I am not familliar enough to know how that looks as far as frame and steering damage. it's 200 dollars...1985. We are willing to work on...
  18. Figit090

    Has anyone done 24 hours of LeMons?? My friend and I are considering doing this, we don't have a car yet but we're looking around. For those that don't know and are curious, the rules are basically that you have a budget of 500 dollars to get a car, upgrade it, and race it. Doesn't include...
  19. Figit090

    eFFeT's Swedish Powered Supra MKIII

    nice! i want to see this :)
  20. Figit090

    GAs Gauge! HELP!!!!

    what about gauges reading high after sitting a few days/weeks, and then dropping when you start the car? I have about 1/8th of a tank in my car, and when i got home from vacation I had to move it. It registered a bit above 1/4 tank before starting and then when i started the car it slowly sank...