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  1. morganson

    duel ignitor getting hot help please

    To kkz and rollus. I have tested both dual and single ignitor setup both worked equally well. I really fail to find any major gain of the dual igniter other than in theory it may be easier on the igniter seperating the coils. But i have run both ways and have not noted any fatigue on the...
  2. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Remember also these coils put out more than the stock coils at 12v so the 1/2 theory isnt really accurate here.
  3. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Yes you have to seperate the coils from the igniter 12v. Do not run the 24v into the igniter.
  4. morganson

    duel ignitor getting hot help please

    I have tested both ways. Right now im dual because thats just what im testing.
  5. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Its the same stuff underneath. Trick is msd uses more voltage, 36v i believe. Which is fine for these coils too by the way. Mustang guys have been doing this for years. I am going to test a 24v box soon for fun. But right now the 19v does everything i want.
  6. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    This is the module i am running right now and have for the last 6 months.
  7. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Hey, so little update now running 16psi no break up. Lex maf, 550 cc injectors, Dual ignitor or single doesnt matter works both ways. New double shielded wire from the ecu to the cps, 12v to 19v step up box driving the coils.
  8. morganson

    duel ignitor getting hot help please

    Hey guys. Just putting this up. After a long time in testing i have finally figured out the 15psi deal. I have been running the dual ignitor for quite a while, have also tested in single for those who dont want to run dual. Running 16 psi no break up, lex maf, 550 cc inj, the only two things i...
  9. morganson

    throttle body boring

    Not yet, my man with the q45 is in the hospital due to an electrical mishap. As soon as he is ready i will be sending his tb off for moding. Sorry im running behind on this one.
  10. morganson

    throttle body boring

    So it would be about $50 to do the shaft. I have him on board right now. Working on getting one sent to him for testing.
  11. morganson

    throttle body boring

    Kkz, can you get me a good pic of the q45 tps mounting. Dude needs some pics
  12. morganson

    throttle body boring

    It says he can make custom shafts....that is a good question
  13. morganson

    throttle body boring

    Have any of you guys seen this? I know everybody likes the Turbo A throttle body (65mm) but this would allow us to get there for only $100. Im looking at sending one of mine off to see how it goes. For those of us that dont want to go ffim this might free up some hp...
  14. morganson

    Q45 tps option

    So i was cruising for parts and ran across this tps. It is built just like the q45 tps but it is pined and functions exactly like our factory tps. Part number is A22-000R25 It is on 90 - 94 subaru 2.2 I have already fit this on a vehicle with a q45 tb and it works, values are spot on...
  15. morganson

    Cold Starts Lean, Warm Up Enrichment Issue

    I have a similar problem since i got my car. I would like to know here as well.
  16. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    On the female plug, with the locking bit facing up, while looking at the back of the plug.... 1,6. 2,5 3,4. 12v
  17. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    I still make harnesses but im not sure where nathan stands on the plates. Pm us for info
  18. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Isnt plug spacing for the 2j and the 7m the same? If so the plate should work on a 2j.
  19. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Also, have now setup with dual ignitor and voltage step up. Tested at 18 and 24v. i have not been able to test over 14 due to an unfortunate loss of a FCD by the us postal service and a chewed up 1st gear (currently being fixed) If anyone would like to let me know how to get past this 14psi...