i have the hks tems on mine but i have yet to have all 3 lights lit even when in sport or when i switch it to hard or manual and hard? i have a 92 and im pretty sure i have the 89+ tems controller ill check tommorow. but what could be wrong with mine?
hey im porbally not looking hard enough but is your site updated i wanna see the progress on this thing i know the thread was started like 3 years ago but is it done? any pics? tryin to give me a write up hahahahah good luck on this thing if its not already done and congrats on your baby
whenever your doing a metal head gasket weather you have 1 mile or 100000 miles on the motor you should always have the block decked only because of the tolerances needed for the head gasket to work correctly. you cant have so much as a nick in the block or left of gasket on there
they only way you would be floating valves is if your springs were shot. how many miles on the motor. and ive only ever seen valve float when a motor was turning like 10k rpms when it should have been doin like 7.5 lol. your springs should be able to keep up especially if your just on the...
fuzion motorsports makes an adapter for a 2jz and a turbo 400 trans. im sure i could see if he can fab you one up. the turbo 350 and 400 have the same bolt patterns
did you check to see if you didnt drain your battery when you shorted it out...also doesnt what you said above mean you have a short somewhere still in there and all the current is running through the manni
sometimes it boost to 8 sometimes it doesnt and just boosts to 6. my car is bone stock other then the hks evc2 boost controller. it lights up i can hear it cycling through my radio and outside of the car everything lights up but it onlt works sometimes. like one pull it will be at 8psi and then...
dude i read it all thats why i said ill get a video if you want...i already have a stehascope no need to give me shit.
i read it and tommorow after work im gonna ground out all the wires and figure out whats going on. i appreciate everyones help hopefully ill get this figured out
ill get a video if you want. and since i got the car its had a little ticking but has gotten worse ofver the past month. i have work till 830 tonight so ill have a video up tommorow afternoon
nope bone stock motor never rebilt 115,xxx miles on the thing and it doesnt go away when warm just gets a little quiter...i guess its time for a rebuild this summer i beams ct26-57 and low comprssion pistons...20psi anyone?
i took it out again today and its at 8 when the boost controller is set on low and 10psi on high. (it has an hks boost controller) thanks for all the great compliments its a great car but the valve tap continues even when warmed up.
and the sideskirts are kaminari and they came with the car stock
heres some pictures for you guys its real nice
also...i belive i have some compressor surge...i havent driven it much but when i rev it up and build a little boost it flutters and sounds like compressor surge. could my recirc valve be shot?
also i think i have a vlave tap...how...
ahhh sorry i didnt know there was a search button hahaha my bad ill check it out next time thanks though for the heads up im really not tryin to get off on the wrong foot with you guys my bad
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