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  1. 7mLove

    Vibration between 2500-3200 rpm

    Yes I used loctite on the pp bolts...flywheel was resurfaced. Im going to throw it up on the lift tomorrow and check to make sure they are all still hopin I don't have to pull this trans out, ill post an update as soon as I can, thank y'all for the input
  2. 7mLove

    Vibration between 2500-3200 rpm

    Yea but it vibrates even when im not in gear and at a stand still...could a loose pp bolt do this?
  3. 7mLove

    Vibration between 2500-3200 rpm

    Yea but it vibrates even when im not in gear and at a stand still...could a loose pp bolt do this?
  4. 7mLove

    Vibration between 2500-3200 rpm

    just did a clutch job on the 7m, also replaced the driveshaft with a shaftmasters 1 piece, anytime i get the motor in the 2500-3200 rpm range i have a kinda bad vibration that can be felt through the shifter but even with the clutch pushed in or the car is in neutral you can feel it. i used a...
  5. 7mLove

    Philly Supra Meet 2011!! Saturday, June 4th

    count me in for hot dogs and buns
  6. 7mLove

    Philly Supra Meet 2011!! Saturday, June 4th

    same spot as last year?
  7. 7mLove

    Headlight question

    the only thing i changed was the bracket that the whole headlight assembly bolts to. now my headlight goes up brings it self about half way down then wont move reguardless of where the light switch moves very smooth with the manual dial...heres a video to help...
  8. 7mLove

    Rod knock or noisy head? thats what a rod knock sounds like...thats my car lol please pray it doesnt sound like this
  9. 7mLove

    Ebay Rebuild kits seriously read and follow this...
  10. 7mLove

    Stretch's Digidash thread

    and i thought my dash looked cool with led's in it...i quit hahaha
  11. 7mLove

    14.2 @ 107mph

    somethigns not right because on a stock everything with a built motor and only 6psi i ran a 14.8 at 95
  12. 7mLove

    ***SM member 1/4 mi. times list***

    14.8 @ 95.11 - 7m mkiii w/ lipp intake on stock boost stock exhaust and street tires. Bone stock car other then intake car #46 ill post timeslip in a little brandonW can vouch for me he was there on tuesday at atco.
  13. 7mLove

    Philly Supra Meet 2010!! Sunday May 30th

    mine did the same thing....and then someone smashed it off
  14. 7mLove

    Philly Supra Meet 2010!! Sunday May 30th

    the 19th will be hit or miss with me. i just got the supra back on the road like 2 hours ago and im goin to bloomsberg on friday and idk when im commin back hahahah but ill definetly try and get there
  15. 7mLove

    northwestsupra's 500hp build

    damn looks good cant wait to here it start
  16. 7mLove

    ct26. where does this go?

    my dumbass forgot to take pictures of the turbo and all the little pieces of where what goes where. just got it back from the turbo shop and this is the only thing i cannont find a home for...please lemme know this is the last piece till i can drive my car again since febuary when i blew it up...
  17. 7mLove

    what front is that on your car?

    what front is that on your car?
  18. 7mLove

    Arknotts' 92 Teal Build

    ahhaha am i included in this one?
  19. 7mLove

    Philly Supra Meet 2010!! Sunday May 30th

    uhhhh since i have no clue what to bring ill bring like some cash hahaha idk i think of something be there in like an hour
  20. 7mLove

    Philly Supra Meet 2010!! Sunday May 30th

    im down hopefully the supra will be done i got a few more problems to tackle with it including the head which hopefully will be fixed on sunday haha.