Search results

  1. gtsfirefighter

    Excited yet nervous...

    Not this weekend but the next on May 24 I will get to see my son graduate from high school. So what, right? Well I haven't seen him since he was two days old on Nov 1, 1989. My girlfriend, now wife, and I, gave him up for adoption with his best interest in mind. We were very young and I was...
  2. gtsfirefighter

    Example of Gangsta thug mentality

    This is very disturbing. A man shoots his wife in front of his kids and injures them in the process. A local TV station here interviews him and his demeanor is something else. Just watch. This is in relation to a topic in the Random Pics Thread. And to think, some people glorify this...
  3. gtsfirefighter

    Thinking about going to the dyno

    I'm thinking about taking my car to a dyno to see what kinda power it's got but I'm concerned since I have an automatic. I was wondering if the procedure for dyno-ing an auto is different than for a manual. I'm riding on the stock A340e that came with the car. 86.5 with a GTE conversion...
  4. gtsfirefighter

    YouTube icons duke it out...

    What can I say? I'm a fan.
  5. gtsfirefighter

    Arrested for being Jewish????

    This was at DFW Airport and these are the kind of people we deal with all the time. She was arrested for Public Intoxication.
  6. gtsfirefighter

    Problems with tilt steering column

    My steering column only locks in one position and that is all the way down. Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do to fix it? I have a complete column still sitting in the 87 turbo and the tilt functions properly. Should I just swap them?
  7. gtsfirefighter

    I'm Stumped

    The other day I started my car up and and it ran fine. The next day I took the elbow and downpipe off along with the O2 sensor and I replaced them with a suprasport elbow and 3 in downpipe. I'm using the same O2 sensor as before. Well, after getting everything hooked back up the car will not...
  8. gtsfirefighter

    Just flew in a simulator...

    I was lucky enough to have a hook up at one the simulators places here at DFW and just got back from flying a Citation I all around Dallas and Arlington. We buzzed towers, went between buildings in downtown Dallas and then buzzed Six Flags. Nearly hit a 777 head on while making an approach to...
  9. gtsfirefighter

    Thinking about buying this

    I was thinking about buying this Has anyone here bought one? Tell me what you think. Ken
  10. gtsfirefighter

    Good Times...

    Just got home from the Barry Manilow concert in Dallas::w00t:: I Don't care. I'm buzzin. That's all.
  11. gtsfirefighter

    I think I f-ed something up...

    I swapped throttle bodies on my car. It had a manual TB so I put an auto TB on it. I swapped the TPS from the manual to the auto and hooked everything back up and the video below shows what's happening. No codes. I couldn't find the better camera so the audio is crap. Look at the tach...
  12. gtsfirefighter

    I'm F-cking Matt Damon/ Now F-ing Ben Affleck

    I know some of you are not fans of Sarah Silverman but this was pretty damn funny. Sorry if it's a repost but I tried searching. If it is then I fail and lock.
  13. gtsfirefighter

    Automatic Throttle Body Question

    I am in the process of taking off the manual tranny TB and putting an auto one on. My questions are... This thing came off the manual tranny TB and my auto TB does not have one on it but I'm sure it's supposed to. Now this one fits but does not line up with the linkage. Does my TB have to...
  14. gtsfirefighter

    Funny stuff...

    Laughed my ass off. If a repost enjoy it again. How To Get Rid of Annoying Friends....
  15. gtsfirefighter

    Engine missing

    I've swapped a GTE into my 86.5. It starts and runs but has a bad miss. Here's a video. It has an open downpipe that's why it's so loud.I've searched some and think I know the problem, but I would like some other opinions. Yes the CPS wiring is cracked badly on the cps side and the...
  16. gtsfirefighter

    Another Happy Birthday for Forced Torque

    Not to take away from Mike's (Supracentral) 40th birthday, but I would like to recognize another birthday of importance. Happy Birthday to Scott, aka FORCED TORQUE. Have a good one as well my friend.
  17. gtsfirefighter

    ECU Placement

    I'm trying to get the ecu and hac mounted back up but I can't figure out how it goes back up in there. It's been so long since I took it out. Does anybody have pictures of how it's supposed to go or can someone take a pic for me? Thanks I know I'm a dumbass, sorry. Ken
  18. gtsfirefighter


    I was wondering if someone would be so gracious to do me a photoshop favor. I was wanting to see my car solid white, no stripes, and also I was wanting to see it with light grey from the door moldings down, bumpers included. Here is the picture. If you need a different one let me know. Thanks.
  19. gtsfirefighter

    Blue Dash I still have this for sale. If interested make me an offer.
  20. gtsfirefighter

    Ok, so I've got my Man Card back

    Well I had this truck for five years. 2002 Silverado 4.8 Vortec V8. I loved it but it had over 160k miles on it and possibly some tranny problems in the near future. So I decided I'd get a car with some better gas mileage. 2008 Suzuki Forenza. Well the whole month I've had it I've felt...