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  1. gtsfirefighter

    Need some tech help...

    All of a sudden my wife can no longer pull up Facebook on this computer using IE. It will work with FireFox. It will work on other computers in the house using IE, just not this one. This is what we get: Has anybody else had this problem...
  2. gtsfirefighter

    Post HG Replacement Question.

    The other day I just finished putting the motor back in following a rear main seal and headgasket replacement. After finally getting the timing right and getting the car to purr like a kitten I noticed a lot of steamy exhaust. I began to worry. I then took it for a drive and it ran good...
  3. gtsfirefighter

    Another Craigslist Fail

    This ad is so full of fail. The second paragraph I find funny.
  4. gtsfirefighter

    My Extremely Blown Head Gasket!

    I know not everyone reads my build so I thought I'd post this here too. Today I seperated the head and block and the gasket just fell apart. I do not know how this car ran...and ran so damn good. Only symptom was slowly building pressure in the coolant system causing a slow overflow of the...
  5. gtsfirefighter

    Who's doing it?

    Who's running an OEM HG with ARP studs? For how long and have you had any issues?
  6. gtsfirefighter

    A Supra owner in need of some help in Fort Worth.

    Julia, who bought my 86.5 Supra is in need of some help. The right rear strut snapped causing the right rear tire to be destroyed. She is at home now trying to put a new strut in. A friend has already done the other side but was unable to help her today. She is having a most difficult time...
  7. gtsfirefighter

    My 1991 Jay Blue Supra

    Well it all started with my sisters 1982 L-Type. I've got a pic somewhere and will edit in later. Then in late 1991 my girlfriend (now wife) and I test drove a 1991 or 92, can't remember, MA71. It was a blue automatic hardtop. I fell in love and thought it was the nicest car ever made...
  8. gtsfirefighter

    Ozzfest '08 Dallas

    Went last night and it was phenomonal. Too old to do that all day shit so me and a buddy went about 5:30 to catch the Pantera tribute and then Ozzy, and the Metallica closed the show. At the end Metallica brought King Diamond. Any of you remember him and the band he fronted for...Mercyful...
  9. gtsfirefighter

    1JZ with ct26

    Anybody running a 1jz with a ct26? How's the performance? Pros and cons? I'm rethinking engine options. Long time off if I do but what to know experiences.
  10. gtsfirefighter

    The Onion Movie

    I love The Onion. If a repost I fail and lock.
  11. gtsfirefighter

    For the cat lovers here.
  12. gtsfirefighter

    Never seen this before.

    Ok there's another argument raging over on SF, (::remembers why I don't frequent SF very much:::)) regarding Octane. Has anyone ever seen this sticker before? I haven't. JJ I quoted you, hope you don't mind.
  13. gtsfirefighter

    Stock suspension question

    I've decided to just keep my suspension stock. I do not have TEMS. What brand of strut is most recommended for stock replacement. Which ones do I stay away from? I'm asking "how you know". Looking for your experiences and opinions. Also, how do you know you need to replace the strut...
  14. gtsfirefighter

    Not Bad for a Cell Phone

    Took this with my cellphone, an LG Shine. Turns out to be my favorite picture of my car so far. Taken out at my parents place where I grew up.
  15. gtsfirefighter


    I have so much heat coming up from around the auto gearshift. My leg sweats continously while driving. Do any of you other auto guys have the same problem. I know everything is sealed up good since I replaced the bushings on the shifter. Just wondering.
  16. gtsfirefighter

    Miles Per Gallon Gauge

    Anybody familiar with this? I was thinking about buying this for my truck. The Supra has a supermonitor and the wife's little SUV has a trip computer and they make me very concious of my driving habits. I'm always trying to see how high I can get the avg...
  17. gtsfirefighter

    Almost got wiped out by an MR2

    A dumbfuck driving a fairly nice old MR2 Northbound jumps the Southbound lane to pass. The result is many vehicles involved in the wreck. I don't know how I missed getting hit. He strikes a Ranger almost head on first and then while he's spinning all over the two lane road his hitting other...
  18. gtsfirefighter

    Headlight Issue.

    I noticed tonight that my driver side headlight is dim when on bright, so, I switched the headlight out with a good one from the now gone parts car. When I turned it on bright it was also dim. What could be causing that. If it matters, the driver side fog light is out as well. When I say...
  19. gtsfirefighter

    Xbox360 Help

    Is is possible to store video of a game onto a jump drive, i.e. a game song from GH, Rockband, etc... Also, we use a wireless ISP, and we get their signal from a "radio" that's mounted on our roof. Our download speed is about 1370 kbps and upload is usually around 5-600 kbps. It has a cable...
  20. gtsfirefighter

    Is this normal?

    After driving the car hard for a short while, maybe 10 minutes, I reached to unplug the EFI fuse to clear the code 14. Well I touched one of the relays and it damn near burned me it was so hot. I then touched the ignitor and noticed it was extremely hot also. Now I've never noticed this before...