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  1. JDMMA70

    7mgte freeze plugs

    Id prefer a part that fits and was designed for it vs something that may or may not fit.
  2. JDMMA70

    Turbo A Oil Pan?

    thats a GroupA oil pan used on the GroupA race Supras. TurboA's had factory style oil pans.
  3. JDMMA70

    James' 89 Supra Turbo

    Heads up, drill out the rivet at the front and rear of of head gasket on the exhaust side.
  4. JDMMA70

    DIY: R-12 to R-134a Conversion (How To)

    I dont know what to tell you, you've seemed to come to a conclusion that youre happy with. The consensus here is to either stay R12 or Convert to R134a. Again with you living in the UK, you will probably never reach ambient temperatures where the difference between the two refrigerants will be...
  5. JDMMA70

    DIY: R-12 to R-134a Conversion (How To)

    If youre having to get a recharge, chances are your system is leaking anyways. I can see it losing a charge over a long period of time (20+ years) or from just sitting. Changing the components isn't rocket science, its easier than doing the head gasket. You can leave the recharging to a shop...
  6. JDMMA70

    DIY: R-12 to R-134a Conversion (How To)

    It doesn't cost THAT much, just a few components all of which you can change yourself, some oil, flush kit, valves, and seals. All for under $90 usd
  7. JDMMA70

    DIY: R-12 to R-134a Conversion (How To)

    The avg temperatures in the summer in the UK are nowhere near what they are in Texas. i doubt youll see that much of a difference if any with R134a, assuming the conversion is done correctly.
  8. JDMMA70

    Radiator Removal Video - Mishimoto

    A video on AC would be useful, but that would require a donor vehicle.
  9. JDMMA70

    Radiator Removal Video - Mishimoto

    Im noticing in my area a lot of older gentlemen are buying MK3s and starting restoration projects. I bet these videos will become a staple for them. Keep it up!
  10. JDMMA70

    Radiator Removal Video - Mishimoto

    "I dont remember how I got it in" hahaha. I felt the same way when I had to remove mine. Good stuff, you should do a complete series and have the links stickied.
  11. JDMMA70

    How to PROPERLY rebuild a 7mgte by KMP

    Straight 6 engines have a good static balance naturally by design. Im not sure how that makes it not well balanced. A dynamic balance certainly couldn't hurt though.
  12. JDMMA70

    1997 Honda Integra

    Welcome, and I will say this is the first Honda I've seen in a long time that didn't look like shit.
  13. JDMMA70

    Car not starting randomly? READ THIS (30 Amp Starter Relay Mod)

    This thread has gone on for too long. I too am having these issues, but I refuse to do the extra relay. After searching through the internet for a while, I found a "how to" courtesy of Toyota to step by step diagnose the starting system. I will share it with you all. Its helping me find my real...
  14. JDMMA70

    How to PROPERLY rebuild a 7mgte by KMP

    4.3psi or 0.3 kg/cm^2 is the minimum spec allowed. New or healthy 7Ms generate around 1 kg/cm^2 or 14.2psi at idle. At 3000rpms its 36-71psi or 2.5-5.0kg/cm^2. Likewise the minimum spec allowed for 2JZ engines are 0.5 kg/cm^2 or 7.1psi at idle (Health 2JZ engines produce more than this at...
  15. JDMMA70

    Wrong engine and Keep right

    have a bowl of Wheaties and then try again.
  16. JDMMA70

    Wrong engine and Keep right

    ever think about attempting to lap the block surface? May have a better chance at sealing a MHG if the plane is true.
  17. JDMMA70

    Supra + Faye = Love. My first build thread. (beware, picture heavy...)

    Deja Vu, looks just like my block did when I picked it up. Minus the brass freeze plugs.
  18. JDMMA70

    James' 89 Supra Turbo

    Dang it has the TRD Wing I actually like. Its missing the center section though.