My daughters meet is over at 11am .Is there anything to do down there untill 5pm ? brad i can help you with your ic pipes if you need me to. I have alot of free time untill 5 . I have some 7m intercooler pipe parts if you need them .Also i have a cooleese kit if you want me to bring it with me.
I wouldn't think you would need them for the 370cc or jdm 440cc injectors . If you have the 550cc you would. it depends on the impedance of the injectors.
The 1jz you need to use the pressure(for map sensor) setting. the 7mgte uses karman vortex (air flow meter) it uses freq. Hot wire is another type of air flow meter that measures air flowing across a heated wire in the airflow meter.The more air the cooler the wire . Domestics use this alot.Hope...
HEY FOUND THESE IT MIGHT BE HELPFULL ! e-manage ultimate software , manuals, firmware.files worked
no im going to start buying my filter before i take it to get it changed. im to lazy to change my own oil ,really its just a pain disposing it after the change.
its funny it dosnt bother me i got them because the match my blue ac controls an apexi gauges perfectly the centers help track the needle at night . teho
just drill the bolt head off and the head will lift off . thats all you can do.use some thick oil or something to help lubrication and aid in keeping the shavings from flying everywhere slower speed would be better.or get the head vatted and you shouldnt have a problem . if you dont plan on...
check the firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4 and spark gap 0.031 also make shure the wire is pushed down far enuogh in the boot on both ends so you hear a snap when you push on the spark plug. also chek the ground for the coils you need a ground strap that goes from the coil braket to the head. as for...
welcome to the forums ,nice job. i know what it takes to fix up a car like yours . its money, blood ,sweat ,time. i was going to say tears but we'll leave that to the wife hates my car,it gets alot of dough and time thrown at it.
the dash isnt that bad to replace, i had mine swaped in an hour and a half. as for the car its the first supra ive seen that had a cleaner engine thant the interior. and a great deal on the buy and rare too.
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