Search results

  1. gtsfirefighter

    Supra in Denton

    Hey, I was in Denton today and at the corner of Bell and Eagle Dr over by Morrison Milling there is a little car lot that had a very clean looking pre 89 burgandy supra. I didn't have time to stop and look at it but I'm sure it's an NA. Looked like something nice to upgrade.
  2. gtsfirefighter

    For the Americans...Happy Thanksgiving!

    Have a good one and stay safe. Going to my sisters place with the family. For all the non-Americans....Happy Thursday! Ken
  3. gtsfirefighter

    What should I do?

    Let me preface this by telling yall I'm not interested in doing a auto to manual swap. I have a GTE auto tranny sitting in the garage that came from the blue parts car. The previous owner said it had no issues and shifted fine. I've never felt that transmission run. My car currently has a GE...
  4. gtsfirefighter

    Just got home from....

    a Smashing Pumpkins concert in Dallas. I've never seen them before, nor listened to them but my best bud had a ticket and it didn't cost me anything. It was extremely loud. My ears are ringing so bad. Lot's o babes there. Their lead singer is well, um....weird.
  5. gtsfirefighter

    GTE instrument cluster

    I put the new lens and na voltmeter in my gte cluster. It will be a while still before I can see it in action. Looking at the picture below of the backside of the cluster, is there any rewiring I need to do, such as grounding, to make the voltmeter work or will it just work fine with no...
  6. gtsfirefighter

    My new daily...

    Well I got tired of spending 70+ dollars to fill my truck up so I bit the bullet and traded it in. I had that truck for five years and will miss it bad. I even wrote a note in the owners manual for the next owner:wtc: I got a fairly good deal so my payment will be still be less than what I was...
  7. gtsfirefighter

    Opinion please Yay/nay? Does anybody have one?
  8. gtsfirefighter

    Clear coating taillights

    I've found one thread with after pics and what he used but I can't find anything on prepping or the procedure to do it right. My tails are a little dull and I'd like to freshen them up. Anybody who's done this, can you give a little advice? Thanks Ken
  9. gtsfirefighter

    1969 Moon Landing

    Since it's the 50th anniversary of Sputnik, I was curious to know how many of you think the July 1969 moon landing was or was not faked? Discuss :icon_bigg
  10. gtsfirefighter


    So the wife and I were returning from the local choke and puke where we had breakfast and upon pulling into the driveway I found this hanging off my gay blue 87 parts car. We live in the country and these are not uncommon. It's a common ratsnake for those of you not from the South. It's not...
  11. gtsfirefighter

    Leprechaun in Alabama? Jay, Scott WTF??? Sorry if a repost. I did search leprechauns.
  12. gtsfirefighter

    Another craigslist funny
  13. gtsfirefighter

    Random Supras

    Thought it might be kinda cool to have a thread where people can post pics of random supras they see while out and about. You've all seen them, the ones with elderly people or unsuspecting women driving them down the road and have no idea what they have. Any generation. Found this 92 sitting...
  14. gtsfirefighter

    Speaker recommendation.

    I will soon have some 91-92 front speaker pods and was wondering what brand of speakers will fit with little or no modifications. I went on Crutchfield and after inputing the information on type of car it shows no speakers available. I would like to get either Polk or Infinity but was...
  15. gtsfirefighter

    Blue Dash and center console for sale

    Here's a link to a pretty descent blue dash out of my 87. I'm taking best offers.
  16. gtsfirefighter

    I Hate Auto Registration Offices

    Went to finally get the title to my 86.5 transferred over into my name today. First I had to put insurance on a car that hasn't moved since July. Second I had to deal with the typical condescending bitches behind the counter. Then I had to deal with the fact that since my car is coming from a...
  17. gtsfirefighter

    Power Antenna

    Ok, so while removing interior pieces in the hatch of my blue parts car, I found the power antenna was unplugged and that's why I could not get it to go down. I pulled the dash and harnesses behind it before I found the antenna unplugged. Any suggestion on how to get the mast down? I was...
  18. gtsfirefighter

    Who's car is this??

    Went by to pay some money on my engine and was joking with Christian about how the Supras are multiplying (there are about 15 sitting around). I asked about this car and he said he was working one day, a wrecker showed up, asked him where he wanted it parked and left. He does not know who's...
  19. gtsfirefighter

    Back on dial up...

    Well our stint with high speed internet was short lived. Since we live in the country we had to go wireless which meant having to have a large pole attached to the side of our house. It extends about 20 feet above the roofline. It had to be that high to get a direct line of sight to the...
  20. gtsfirefighter

    Check this out

    Hope I'm not reposting. I searched and couldn't find it. If you haven't seen it, enjoy. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Listen up ladies...:naughty: