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  1. SupraMario

    Venting about my neighbors..

    This is why my wife and I are moving out to the country, having so much land that I would have to drive to my neighbors is awesome...fuck the city and it's scum sucking people.
  2. SupraMario

    1986 AE86 Corolla GT-S Supercharged

    Where would you suggest to look? I'm checking CL daily but they are so rare that there hasn't been one pop up in months.
  3. SupraMario

    1986 AE86 Corolla GT-S Supercharged

    Full year + without a sound...says it's been a Man I have been looking for an AE86 for a while now, even a beat up one, such rare cars :/
  4. SupraMario

    Wow this section is dead. Any other shooters here?

    Just FYI....Walmart has Perfecta Brass .308 and 9mm for $6.94 a box, not all areas have it though, .233 is $8 a box of 50. Bought 20 boxes of .308...$153 out the door for 400 rounds of brass? Yes please...then picked up 10 boxes of 9mm for $70 out the door...500 rounds of brass 9mm....give me...
  5. SupraMario

    2 duds with Federal Hydroshok .45

    Yep, stock piling like crazy, but that's just because I keep finding deals lol, but next purchase is going to be a reloader and then probably a 1911 in 9mm for plinking.
  6. SupraMario

    Wow this section is dead. Any other shooters here?

    I shoot the AR10 like a bolt action almost, so I'll run through like 100 rounds normally at the range doing long range(if you can call it that). With the AR15 and SKS/Mini I just chug through rounds like nothing 500+ on a range day just because it's cheap. Plus when sandy happened people bought...
  7. SupraMario

    Wow this section is dead. Any other shooters here?

    As much as I think the 6.8 SPC round is fun round, it's still to expensive for me to shoot just for the hell of it. Until someone starts pumping it out by the billions like the 7.62x39 round, I'll steer away from it unfortunately. I've been eyeing the RRA AR as it looks well built, but ARs in...
  8. SupraMario

    Wow this section is dead. Any other shooters here?

    Don't worry I won't not a fan of the round, to expensive for what you really get...I'm a commblock me some dirty sickle and hammer 7.62x39 next AR build will be in it. I'm addicted to my Mini-30 and SKS, I love shooting them, and I can run through 100s of rounds and not feel like I...
  9. SupraMario

    Wow this section is dead. Any other shooters here?

    OT in general has been dead for a long while....As for firearms...My wife and I love to shoot, and are planning on selling our house here in the next 6months and moving to the country for land and building a private range is on my list. As far as guns: DPMS AR-10 SASS Ruger MINI 30 Colt AR-15...
  10. SupraMario

    Time for a riddle - 2001 IS300 - APPS - MAF - CATS!

    Yeah had to do this to make it home. Found this thread going to check out all the hoses, because I'm worried that it's not going to fix the issue replacing the APPS
  11. SupraMario

    Time for a riddle - 2001 IS300 - APPS - MAF - CATS!

    What's the danger of driving a car with the maf pulled?
  12. SupraMario

    Time for a riddle - 2001 IS300 - APPS - MAF - CATS!

    I've read over all of those threads, I've got a Tb coming from a gs300 99 model to diagnose this further.
  13. SupraMario

    Time for a riddle - 2001 IS300 - APPS - MAF - CATS!

    Check it for what though, why does the car run fine with the maf pulled though...
  14. SupraMario

    Time for a riddle - 2001 IS300 - APPS - MAF - CATS!

    Back story, rebuilt motor at 149k, ran fine for around 8k miles, had issues with car around the 8k mark that pulled up CEL clogged cats. Car did the 25% power just hard pedal, no response etc. Replaced cats, then car after 15ish miles would do the same thing, different code. P1121 (APPS)...
  15. SupraMario

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    T.T Sorry for your loss man, we recently lost our 1 eyed cat...the only cat I actually liked. I'll drink one tonight in Milo's memory.
  16. SupraMario

    2 duds with Federal Hydroshok .45

    Yep, it's why I was kinda pissed, it wasn't the 4 or 5th down the line it was the first and second round...
  17. SupraMario

    2 duds with Federal Hydroshok .45

    No mods all stock, no light strikes either. I think it's what you described, I might need to cycle out my edc ammo every 2ish months
  18. SupraMario

    2 duds with Federal Hydroshok .45

    I do what you are doing in your second post. When getting home, I unchamber the round, drop the mag, and put the round at the bottom of the stack, maybe I should just not wait so long to change out my EDC ammo...
  19. SupraMario

    2 duds with Federal Hydroshok .45

    So after around 6 months I normally burn though the 17 rounds I carry at the range and swap them out. Well I have just started carrying Hydroshok and I'm a fan of federal, but WTF, first 2 rounds end up being duds. This is out of a RIA 1911, firing pin hit them just fine...seriously shocked...