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  1. SupraMario

    2jzgte 1987 Mark III CEL After 3k RPM

    CEL comes on after 3k RPM and goes off after you drive for like 3-4 mins under 3k RPM. Turning the car off and starting it again achives the same result. I've looked into this and all I can find is that the car should go into limp mode because of the ECU thinking it's an automatic that's in...
  2. SupraMario

    wow im still alive.

    Hey Man! Glad to hear you are still kickin ass and takin names!
  3. SupraMario

    Walking dead!

    Yep...100% truth lol
  4. SupraMario

    Walking dead!

    Stopped watching after the kid was shot lol, gonna chain smoke through them when they are done with this season. I hate having to wait for next episode lol.
  5. SupraMario

    Ammo sources I use this...
  6. SupraMario

    Doomsday Preppers

    Catfish? Confirmed.
  7. SupraMario

    Doomsday Preppers

    Doesn't catfish too? Lol I could care less what it eats tbh, because if it was a beauty contest most people would be hard core vegans lol
  8. SupraMario

    Doomsday Preppers

    I do...a lot, it's quite healthy lol.