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  1. SupraMario

    Double Barrelled Handgun

    MAGAZINE! You should come back to the USA and come shoot guns for like a week lol.
  2. SupraMario

    Double Barrelled Handgun

    It's two 1911's glued together...
  3. SupraMario

    tools explained

    Old, but always loved this.
  4. SupraMario

    WTO Membership Could Open Floodgate Of Russian Guns & Ammo

    I am honestly scared shitless to fire anything from china that has to contain pressure...their metals have always been complete shit.
  5. SupraMario

    Loosest Aussie bloke ever: Even looser.

    Yea no kidding man...sounds like we are more free than you guys...Tons of gun control and road laws which are bullshit...that would be like Nevada doing a statewide 45mph speed limit.
  6. SupraMario

    Loosest Aussie bloke ever: Even looser.

    He was off by 8million.... Yea.
  7. SupraMario

    Loosest Aussie bloke ever: Even looser.

    You're kidding right? I can blow by a cop here in TN doing 5-9 over and they wave at you, and this is in the supra too.
  8. SupraMario

    Loosest Aussie bloke ever: Even looser.

    That shits dangerous yo...better be careful or this guy might end up smashing into the back of you doing 63km
  9. SupraMario

    Loosest Aussie bloke ever: Even looser.

    Rofl, finally you watched it lol
  10. SupraMario

    Random YouTube Videos - Round 2
  11. SupraMario

    Loosest Aussie bloke ever: Even looser.

    I'm saddened Ian hasn't commented about this yet lol
  12. SupraMario

    This just made my day NSFW

    AKA 9gag...shit that was from 4chan 6 months ago, and 4 months ago from reddit.
  13. SupraMario

    Loosest Aussie bloke ever: Even looser. LOL, IAN!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. SupraMario

    WTO Membership Could Open Floodgate Of Russian Guns & Ammo

    I'd so pick up a few AKs, I'm watching for mosin ammo too lol
  15. SupraMario

    Mayan calender

    LOL, I'm glad someone else hates 9gag.
  16. SupraMario

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Not drunk by any means but just got done with a cookout, few beers and a r&j cigars with friends was the setup for this awesome ass Saturday.
  17. SupraMario

    Providing a good first range experience for new shooters

    This is why I got a pretty expensive plinker as I use it more than my larger caliber guns.
  18. SupraMario

    wow im still alive.

    Sweet, good to hear man. You being in Cali it shouldn't be to hard :P
  19. SupraMario

    Is this guy retarded? I think so

    tl;dr just block him? or???? stop posting on facehut or pizzaspace...+
  20. SupraMario

    Doomsday Preppers

    Never had cable tv at home when I was growing up. Had cable tv for a total of 2 years in college...I'm Always ran my own media servers, and watched what I wanted. I would say 75% of the stuff I have on my NAS that host my tv shows is science stuff (everything from how it's made and the...