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    Driftmotion GT35R Turbo Kit

    yea i plan on doing that tomrow morning since they're closed now but i just wanted to know if any of the guys are running the kit and what they find is something so wrong with that?
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    Driftmotion GT35R Turbo Kit

    Hey guys does anyone know what Spec turbo do they sell with this kit or has anyone purchased this and has experience with this? Also what kinda spool up did you get or what is espected??:icon_bigg
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    AEM question

    Yes Hal i really think you should make up and AEM wire up kit for the supra community trust me that would make things alot easier and push more guys into this standalone step PM me if your serious thanks.
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    Turbonetics GTK-500

    so jos what kinda figures are you putting down are you dynoed? would running a GTK 650 with supporting mod's between 15 and 18psi make sence on a street driven 7MGTE Supra
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    AEM question

    Seeing that i've converted my auto supra to manual but still running the auto stock ecu and harness would this pose a problem or not? Also i think all information regarding the EMS should be centralized to one thread there are to many threads lurking out there with valuable information. We need...
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    AEM question

    HAL Why don't you just do an AEM EMS Thread for 89+ cars with hookups how to's pics's parts needed etc. or pm me details if it's not to much trouble i just purchased mines and would love if this was done by my fellow supra brothers
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    Hey guys just wondering if there was ever a thread posting the differences between the two? if so please guide me to the link if not i think those with the knowledge should state some of the facts on this topic. Thanks.
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    Genuine Recaro Seats from Lancer Evo V

    Hey guys just wondering if anyone has pics of recaro seats from an evo in their supra or has anyone ever done this or knows how easy or hard it is to integrate? Cause a friend of mine wants to sell me a set for a really good price. I know it will spruce up my interior and i'm all about...
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    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    Thanks for the info and inspiration i just has to accept that his car is faster but in the long run i know i'm more reliable i'm just gona take my time and build my car towards my goal i cherish my supra i'll never sell it want my kids to see it and ride in it once God Spares life by that time...
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    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    I have an HKS 3" Down Pipe and i do have an AEM Wideband my a/f Ratio at present at WOT is 10.2 at 14.5 psi fuel pressure is set to 38psi on idle with vaccum.
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    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    I am planning to forge the engine n so forth but one question since i do not live in a country where there is a Dyno would a standalone be a better move lets say the AEM EMS tuned on the street via loggs or just using a Piggy Back system lets say the MAFT Pro what would you recomend? also do you...
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    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    I am planning to forge the engine n so forth but one question since i do not live in a country where there is a Dyno would a standalone be a better move lets say the AEM EMS tuned on the street via loggs or just using a Piggy Back system lets say the MAFT Pro what would you recomend? also do you...
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    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    i'm running 14.5psi sean. 100 Shot ummmmmmm do i need all that? would the engine be able to take that? i do have a cooling mist meth kit which is not installed yet what do you think?
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    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    50 Shot ZEX Wet Kit should do the job Guys? can my engine handle this?
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    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    Mods are as follows guys Full HKS HI Power Exhaust System, Lipp 3" Turbo Elbow, 3" Test Pipe, MKIV Twin Turbo Supra Fuel Pump, Aermotive Fuel Pressure Regulator, Upgraded 57trim CT26 Turbo, Greddy Airinx Air Filter, Greddy Type RZ BOV, HKS PFC -FCON ECU, HKS FCD, HKS 3000 Intake Pipe, Spearco...
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    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    hey guys last week friday i got a beating by 4 car lenghts from my brother in his Mazda RX7 which is running a HKS T04Z turbo Kit and 18psi. I need to beat this car please advise how this can be done all races will be done on a staight abandoned road with proper safety measures. Please also...
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    20psi 450rwhp Safely on a 7MGTE

    thanks for forwarding that thread but i was looking for guys individual setups who's doing that kind of boost and what supporting mods do they run and what HP Numbers/time Slips do they get. Sorry but i'm not sure if this was covered before please don't be upset at me
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    Need Help with Intercooler

    Get a driftmotion spearco replica and a 2.5" pipping kit
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    20psi 450rwhp Safely on a 7MGTE

    Hey guys what do i need to do to a 7MGTE to reach these goals safely? mods etc?
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    Turbonetics GTK-500

    Hey guys any experiences with this turbo wana know what kinda spool up will i be getting on a 7MGTE with supporting mods thanks.