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  1. nick88

    I feel like a complete IDIOT!!

    I don't know, it was a while back, I should of though. Do you have a link for the it now that it is up, since the old one is dead.
  2. nick88

    The Mistress

    Pics or it didn't happen.... :biglaugh:
  3. nick88

    New guy here with an MKIII question..{.part related}

    pretty sure they are not mk3 decals, even without seeing pics.
  4. nick88

    1991 supra turbo for sale

  5. nick88

    Factory Anti-Theft System

    try the passenger door. or this
  6. nick88

    Reiketsukan's Progress Thread

    Nice, when do you think it will be running?
  7. nick88

    Battery Tie Down help

    buy the "j" hook bolts from a auto parts store, a 1/8x2 piece of steel, drill and a bolt to fit in place of a stock one.
  8. nick88

    Battery Tie Down help

    IIRC, new battery tie downs from toyota are like $20.
  9. nick88

    Answer the question with a question (now NWS, with goats!)

    i thought sf was considered hell?
  10. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    i might, but my first week this summer I worked 38 hours and 27 the week before, and I will get that check on friday, so hello supra parts.
  11. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    haha, nope, I'm broke. I accept donations.....
  12. nick88

    IA Supra's

    It worked alright, lol, and I was bleeding badly from doing something when taking it out, and a scare to prove it. lol
  13. nick88

    IA Supra's

    Me and *james* did a clutch in his in like 2 working days out, washed, flywheel resurfaced or I think we put a fidanza in, and back in. Took like 2 hours to get it out, but on the way back in we had some engine lift trouble and it was a bitch trying to get the solid motor mounts lined up.
  14. nick88

    IA Supra's

    We always do them together, and you can was your engine bay while you are at it, your motor and everything else.
  15. nick88

    92 7mgte dipstick the Best

    I didn't have trouble reading my 88's dipstick. Someone should get a pic of them side by side to show the exact differences.
  16. nick88

    IA Supra's

    Leon(Lee_MA61) might.
  17. nick88

    IA Supra's

    For sale forum???