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  1. dogdrake

    valve rattle at cold startup

    hey i have valve rattle when i start my 1jz when cold ,is this normal ? im running moble 1 synthetic and it does it even after a fresh oil change . should i reshim valves ? it clears up after 3 or 4 seconds.
  2. dogdrake

    Any plans this weekend for a get together?

    HI , guys ive met jay at the steel meet looking forward to meeting all of you . bama im a fellow semi auto owner too. just baught it 2 months ago . it's an olympic arms ar-15. my other one is a rare winchester model 42 410 thats been in the family for a long time. seems wee have alot in common...
  3. dogdrake

    Hey jay this is chuck , if your wondering im the guy with the silver 1jz mkiii at steel . i just...

    Hey jay this is chuck , if your wondering im the guy with the silver 1jz mkiii at steel . i just signed up . thought id say hi. let me know if you are planning to head to steel anytime soon. id like to hang out with fellow supra junkys.
  4. dogdrake

    What is the hottest steering wheel for a MKIII?

    i seen a veilside wheel on ebay its the best looking one ive seen in a while.
  5. dogdrake

    hi guys some pics of my baby.

    hi every one i have an 89 supra with a 1jz swap . im looking forward to talking to you all. i have heard good things about supramania. im met suprahero at a meet in steel al. this month and he encuraged me to sign up. i live in the gadsden al. area . love to meet some of you local guys.
  6. dogdrake

    :1zhelp: 1jz single turbo question

    looks like the wastegate is mounted on the dump side, looks wrong to me ?