No need for two maps you need to use the intake temp adjust map to compensate for the temp changes which might be better for where you live instead of logging knock on that channel.
Yea you can thank the japs for that. the kit comes with every thing valve seals, new washers for the valve covers and new turbo gaskets . The quality is good they are just paper except for the exhaust gaskets . The header gasket is the double rivited type like the oem and they have all the...
Yes I can confirm it is metal with a coating of some sort . Yea I normaly wouldn't use a oem headgasket twice . This one had the rubbery silicone type coating and just torqed it down to 78ftlbs instead of the 58 I did the first time .
i used one for my 7mgte it was a metal hg with a silicone type coating on it i even reused it twice after building the bottom end 6 months after a bhg and i didn't resurface the block . i would say its one of the best ive used . i can post some picks of the used head gasket later if need.keep...
+1 Hey you can use paint thinner to remove those scuffs on the bumpers it works wonders. If you need any 7m stuff let me know I have 3 engines and a ajusa gasket kit .Did it come with a dash?
Just went single and installed 264 cams any one have any tips on this ecu as far as setting this ecu up on a 1jz . I'll be running an msd dis-4 in wasted spark is an ignitor needed? any tips woud be apreciated. thanks
i think if you configure it to run in wasted spark you could use one dis-4 with the same msd adaptors that the mustangs use . they run one dis-4 on a v8.
If you think about it bubble wrap is air and petrolium. LOL thank GOD it didn't get past the afm .You would have a time fishing that stuff from the turbo. Happens to the best of us and at least you were the one that found it not someone else.
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