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  1. Figit090

    the newb question

    You shouldn't need a stronger-than-OEM-toyota headgasket on a stock powered 7m-ge. Go steel if you have a turbo. Eman - this is a GE forum, if he posted in the right place he wont be anywhere above atmospheric pressure ;) So in other words, no point in going above 80ft-lbs...and no need...
  2. Figit090

    help!! motor will not idle

    it shouldn't keep it from idling. The ECU isn't that will run rich though and other problems along with a reset ECU could cause this... The plug is somewhere underneath the AFM. it's the big sensor lump just behind your air filter box. air flows through it, moves a flap, and a...
  3. Figit090

    Recipe Thread.

    I dont have pictures at the moment but the other day I made Mac & Cheese Pancakes! They were surprisingly pretty good tasting. not great but I haven't perfected them yet. I just saw a cook make them on an internet video make them and HAD to try it. I'll try to do it again soon with better...
  4. Figit090

    help!! motor will not idle

    doesn't it get annoying scraping all that shit off?
  5. Figit090

    help!! motor will not idle

    that is the cruise control actuator. if you notice it's throttle cable goes right up to the throttle arm thingy. basically it takes over and tugs the throttle in place of your gas pedal's throttle cable. also, i agree any funny seal you create will prevent the ECU from knowing the true...
  6. Figit090

    help!! motor will not idle

    uhhh.... you fixed an engine and just because of some wiring you're going to dump it and swap in a new engine? that's even more wiring.... :sarcasm: Not to say I wouldn't support a 2jz swap or any other turbo swap. there's lots of info on here, I'd use the search feature and see what...
  7. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    HAHA. yeah I know. the mounts don't cup it perfectly and it's got a dopy offset filler cap. Old one probably exploded long before i bought her. :biglaugh: She's on her second (or third?? dunno:aigo:) headgasket.
  8. Figit090

    The $2008 Grassroots challenge build-up thread

    That sounds great! I really hope you can do well with your future mods budget wise! I can't wait to get the issue with you guys, are there more pics online? I forgot what issue you'll be in
  9. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    OH...... my radiator isn't! that's weird I've never seen a plastic one before, but that makes much more sense.
  10. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    lol...that's what i was guessing. but is that radiator REALLY like...popped like that?? :aigo: it looks like a 3-foot strip of metal just exploded off the radiator but it's hard to tell. btw...are smilies working for you guys? i cant click them in Chrome. gotta type them manually...
  11. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    WOAH what's up with the radiator? did it explode? it looks like a whole section of the top piece is torn off? or is that just me seeing things wrong. looks great for under 200 bux man!! Defenitely needs attention to clean off rust on some little engine bits and the exterior but...
  12. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    Can't wait to see pics of the new supra Stretch! haha...speaking of drug dealer supra drivers.... check out this pic. The person who took it said the house (in Reno) gets hit with drug busts 'every week'. :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
  13. Figit090

    help!! motor will not idle

    check the order of your sparkplug wires on the distributor. I stuck mine on out-of-order accidentally right after my BHG fix and it ran like shit/stalled...but WOULD run with throttle. :nono: :nono: Could also be a sensor (AFM) that you forgot to plug in.
  14. Figit090

    Engine "builder" fail

    maybe someone should TELL him.... The original thread isn't in english is it? well if its not maybe someone who can write in spanish (that is what the forum language is no?) and tell him he's going to hurt himself really badly. I've seen that pic of a skyline that has been posted on here a...
  15. Figit090

    Need a whole thread to post my MKIV! Come see why!!! (56K DIE!!!)

    AWESOME. great stuff! All that hard work really really payed off! I'd say you got lucky with that hood not breaking the windshield!
  16. Figit090

    Astronauts are awesome!!!!1

    heheheeee... I like what the last guy did! That mountain lion looked beasty too.
  17. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    haha... drug dealers and soccer players. nice. his books any good?
  18. Figit090

    Astronauts are awesome!!!!1

  19. Figit090

    T2 low budgement day

    i laughed at the first 20 seconds but its too stupid to watch any more. haha
  20. Figit090

    ILoveSketch - 2d/3d sketching software

    Thanks Psycho Bitch Queen :p lol