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  1. Figit090

    Buying a budget tire, anyone tried these? (I picked/purchased already, thanks guys)

    'way north Ca' why? google is right. up by Eureka. This is TRUE norcal it bugs me when people say S.F. is norcal. hahah....
  2. Figit090

    Buying a budget tire, anyone tried these? (I picked/purchased already, thanks guys)

    I'll check that out thanks. I dont think we have american tire... Thanks Poodles! That's really interesting May I ask where you're getting your info? are you a tire salesman or did you find a site? I haven't really found much on federal's tires. I'm new to buying tires so bear with me...
  3. Figit090

    Buying a budget tire, anyone tried these? (I picked/purchased already, thanks guys)

    -----EDIT #2------ I have decided on and purchased a set of Kumho Ecsta ASX tires from Tire Rack. Thanks everyone for all your input it helped so much! (I had almost no idea what I was I kinda do!) -----/EDIT, begin original post------- Yeah I don't have much of a budget...
  4. Figit090

    The $2008 Grassroots challenge build-up thread

    this is going to be great when you're done! If you're going to paint it for concours purposes i'd suggest a quick job of flat (or gloss?) black paint from the top of the doors and up. that'll get rid of what i see that is faded and give it a pretty sleek look IMO. either that or a tan paint...
  5. Figit090

    What car(s) do you regret selling the most? (bring pics!!)

    HUGE. lol. yeah i'm curious to now that IJ mentioned it.... i like that car you have nice taste in rimzzz :naughty:
  6. Figit090

    What car(s) do you regret selling the most? (bring pics!!)

    pic of the 4runner! i like dad said he doesn't like them because of some blind spot from the front windshield pillars and he had to work on his engine too much. why do you like them? I've been thinking of them because they 1.look cool 2.have tons of after-market support...
  7. Figit090

    So, who else is leaving facebook?

    I don't fucking believe this crap.... FACEBOOK MADE THE NEWS. NBC I mean seriously...people are fucking dying in other countries, we never hear about that, (sound cliche? I dont care) and then some people bitch about a FREE website changing their layout and the site owner gets a whole...
  8. Figit090

    it finally happened BHG

    haha... no worries man. I once plugged in my spark plug wires wrong after fixing my BHG... chugged at idle like a v8 and i was half convinced i'd broken something. took me about 15 minutes to figure out what I had done. :biglaugh:
  9. Figit090

    Tire Shredder's MK2 7MGE budget NA screamer build thread

    LOL that's awesome. who cares if it's going bad it sounds pretty sick. HAHAHA
  10. Figit090

    it finally happened BHG

    haha, nice find. good luck! oh and you might hose off your radiator/paint if coolant gets on it, paint hates coolant.