Search results

  1. adampecush

    clocking a ct-26

    Upon re-installing my ct26 onto my engine following the installation of an oil bypass system (among other things) it seems that the turbo outlet associated piping interferes with the two -8 elbows running off the relocation fitting. Is it feasible to clock (rotate) the compressor housing of the...
  2. adampecush

    oil squirter replacement

    I'm putting together an itinerary for the "refreshment" (new crankshaft seals/oil/coolant gaskets) of my engine this weekend and I had a question about the oil squirters. I know that the TSRM indicates to install them when the crankshaft is out of the engine, however, can they be replaced with...
  3. adampecush

    Gauge wiring question

    I've got three prosport gauges in the stock cluster and I'm planning on wiring the gauges (power, ground, ign) into the circuitboard sheet on the back of the gauge cluster. I'm assuming it should be OK to solder the gauge wires onto the sheet. Anyone care to give me a reason why I shouldn't...
  4. adampecush

    Someone has done it - acrylic windows

    Just doing my daily interweb rounds, and I stumbled upon this: (scroll to the bottom of the page) It seems there is now a solution to lighten up the doors/hatch, all for the low price...
  5. adampecush

    Something I've been wondering for a long time...

    Have a look at this picture below. What does this light do (it is green, and sticks out of the panel under the steering wheel by the way...sorry for the shitty picture)? My car has no factory alarm or anything like that, so it wouldn't be from that. The reason I ask is because I have never...
  6. adampecush

    Question about the fuel pump relay.

    I'm going to be wiring in a bosch relay in place of the stock toyota unit, while maintaining the stock resistor system. I have looked at the diagrams of aarons, and just wanted to confirm the stock system operation before wiring everything up. at idle/low throttle, the stock relay is...
  7. adampecush

    Stupid question - door handle removal/installation

    Can you remove/install the door handles with the windows installed? My new set of lock cylinders is 3 months away and I'd like to assemble as much of my doors as I can. I don't want to go through the trouble of installing/aligning the windows just to have to tear them out to install the door...
  8. adampecush

    Need a picture - driver door wiring

    Like the title says - I forgot to bring my laptop with all of my disassembly pictures and I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to run the wiring through my doors. If anybody has a picture of a door sans door panel, please post. Thanks, adam
  9. adampecush

    Difference in tail light length (89+)

    Does anybody know if there is a difference in length of the 89+ tail lights based upon chassis (GA/MA series)? The reason I ask is that I have a set of JDM 89+ tails (not the dark ones) and they seem to be a bit short. Now, I can't recall exactly how snugly the tail lights fit when I removed...
  10. adampecush

    Stupid question - rear brake bolt thread size

    Anybody know the thread size of the bolts that fasten the rear calipers to the hub carrier assembly? I've got some drilling and tapping to do... Adam
  11. adampecush

    pic request: front fender

    Anyone have a picture of the front fender, more specifically, the area behind the front mudflap (mudflap removed of course)? I just need to see how the fender spacers are installed.
  12. adampecush

    Charcoal Canister

    Is there any conceivable reason that our charcoal canisters are located in the engine bay? I was doing some searching, and found that several vehicles use a canister at the fuel tank. Is our canister in the engine bay for the sake of convenience or are there other reasons (temperature, etc)...
  13. adampecush

    Side trim adhesive

    This is for anyone who has either re-painted their car or installed new side trim. What are the approximate dimensions (thickness and width) of the adhesive trim that sticks the side mouldings to the car? I'm putting everything back together and I'd like to have everything sealed like it was...
  14. adampecush

    Oil Relocation Adapter for Dual Filter Remote (Conventional + Bypass)

    could anyone confirm what size the o-ring has to be for an oil filter relocation adapter? I'm looking at the earl's bypass adapter listed here: If anyone has a better solution, let...
  15. adampecush

    Fuel line length

    Could somebody with a readily-accessible fuel pump hanger unit measure the length of the feed hard line coming off the tank (the line going to the filter)? Alternatively, anyone know this off the top of their head? Thanks, adam
  16. adampecush

    Power antenna mounting

    I don't know if I am retarded, blind, or I have lost parts, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to install the power antenna. Keep in mind that I have had my car apart for over a year, and my rear quarter panels were replaced. Is there some sort of bracket that the antenna attaches...
  17. adampecush

    crank pulley differences through the years

    Was there a difference in crank pully(harmonic dampeners) throughout the years? I bought one from a member on this board and it is different from the one currently on my engine - this new one has an insert "inside" the bore of the belt grooves where as the old one was hollow (like most i've...
  18. adampecush

    Anyone replace the fuel feed lines from the stock hanger with NPT fittings?

    I'm guessing some of you have, I was just wondering how you went about doing it? Right now, It looks like I am going to use an AN833 -6 bulkhead fitting in place of the hard line, but it seems there may be some clearance issues with the hanger. I suppose some well-placed cuts with a dremel...
  19. adampecush

    Thread size of fitting on inlet hose of fuel filter

    Anyone have this info readily available? Thanks, Adam
  20. adampecush

    ABS tabs on front struts

    Do they face inboard or outboard? They are on the opposite side of the damping adjustment knob which I assume would face in the outboard direction. In pictures I have from disassembly, they face outward, however the ABS wire looks quite kinked in that position.