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  1. JesseH

    battery/charging problem

    Ok, just recently been having some odd charging problems. Situation: Left my house this last friday, drove with a few friends about 15 miles away...then back, on the way out I noticed my battery gauge was a bit lower than normal, I still went along my way with no problems, on the way back about...
  2. JesseH

    help! very odd problem

    ok, this is going to be a long post. recently my radiator popped a leak right in the top...and it happens that was one of the only things I havent replaced on the car. So last Fri. i got my koyo stock replacement in, I completely flushed the cooling system before hand, when I put the new one...
  3. JesseH

    help asap

    ok, so I was gone the whole weekend going to get my gte motor, so the supra sat for 3 days, I just got home yesterday (it was raining) and drove maybe 8 to 10 miles.....ran fine, came home for maybe about 2hrs tinkering with the new motor, then left again (it was raining harder) pulled up to a...
  4. JesseH


    I know this topic has been brought up alot, but one company I found eristic.... I looked at some other threads, any many people have said that 99% of the cheap gaskets kits are sh*t but theweezl and kai said that this company was decent and had no problems, now with this gte I have out of the...
  5. JesseH


    I'm no longer going to be concitered a N/A for much longer:biggrinbo I just drove from englewood ohio to upper IL to go get a gte motor from playya69 on here. Its got a HKS MHG and has been fully preped, so with me taking care of it it should last me awhile. I also just recently got a fresh...
  6. JesseH

    nissan 300zx

    anyone know of some good Z message boards? my friend just got one and wants to know it there's any decent ones online.
  7. JesseH

    odd Idle problem..

    Ok, I just put on the ported and polished intake manifold from Will on here and everything was going good until randomly today the Idle started jumping up and down, but yet while moving it runs perfectly fine.....Im really confused on what it could be, anyone have any ideas?
  8. JesseH

    spark plug wires

    Ok.... Im trying to get to the bottom of my misfire problem.... I tried checking my spark plug wires as in the TSRM and im not getting a resistance at all do I need to replace them?
  9. JesseH


    ok, so for about a week or so I have been getting odd misfires, they only happen every once and awhile. It mainly occurs during warm up and heavy accel, but yet doesnt happen every time. I have my timing set right, I just changed out the POS bosch plugs (I know shame on me for using them) to...
  10. JesseH

    intersting fri. the 13th

    well I work at a skatepark and theres a game center next door that my boss also we are opening a indoor paintball field next door where a lazer tag used to be...we had to move all the wood from the maze out, each sheet weighed 40 to 50lbs and had steel on the sides that bolted to the...
  11. JesseH

    some of my photography.

    just though I would post some of it to see what everyone thinks: (all were shot with a 35mm.) sorry for the one that i put in twice
  12. JesseH

    o2 sensor

    can a faulty o2 senor cause the car to stumble or miss? Im pulling a code 21 witch is the o2 sensor and every once and awhile the soup will miss or stumble.....mainly before the engines fully warm.
  13. JesseH


    Ok, so I got an Ipod nano from some kid for 10$ because he wanted to get rid of it....good deal for me, just had to but the cable for the comp. anyways my question is does anyone know if there is any external differences between the 1st and second generation besides the color?? I am going to...
  14. JesseH


    what would cause my idle to jump up all the sudden?? I just went to work to day and it was Idling fairly higher than normal (at running temp) but was perfectly fine the day before. any suggestions? maybe a loose plug or something? I already checked the TPS.
  15. JesseH

    Help with coolant leak?

    Ok, so ive got a odd coolant leak somewhere at the top of my radiator....the hoses, cap, and clamps are all fairly new, and there are NO marks on the fan from where it would throw the coolant everywhere. anyone have any ideas? Oh... and there have never been any spots on the ground. here are a...
  16. JesseH


    this is the best emo song ive heard so far: :yelrotflm:yelrotflm
  17. JesseH

    got gas?

    ok, gas petal problem....I have recently started driving the supra again as the snow and cold weather is gone, and have had a TPS problem and finally found one, got it calibrated and on.... but now when driving it runs better but when I have my foot barly on or not at all on the gas petal the...
  18. JesseH

    interior/ door panel question

    for everyone who has done custom interior or redone it themselfs how did you reattach the new material on the door panels since it is glued on stock? is there any certain type of glue I should use or any tricks?? thanks
  19. JesseH

    interior questions

    I'm asking for some info from all you guys who have done your own interior, when doing leather yourself, how many yards did you have to get to do all the seats, and door panels? I want to get a ballpark range of price and materials before I decide to go for it.
  20. JesseH

    sig. request...

    could anyone make me a sig using any combination of these pic? I would really apriciate it.:icon_bigg