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  1. aloshan

    BHG Nightmare

    I skimmed the head and decked the block. MHG with arp studs/bolts. Did everything I could to prevent a BHG. If this 7m does let go its 1j or 2j all the way. No I havn’t , I experienced rod knock first and when it came to rebuilding my 7m I dumped a lot of money to make sure it was built...
  2. aloshan

    BHG Nightmare

    lol nooooooooooooooooooo
  3. aloshan

    BHG Nightmare

    apparently so.
  4. aloshan

    BHG Nightmare

    So last night I woke up in a cold sweat....I actually had a BHG nightmare ::bhg:: I remember it all so vividly, I remember seeing my temperature gauge rise to obscene levels ,white smoke billowing out the back, that familiar sweetish smell. I pulled over,the sound of my heart pounding...
  5. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    Lol , i keep telling myself that in hope that I wont be a tragic BHG victim
  6. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    what am I denying? a possible HG issue? I will never blow my head gasket!!
  7. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    doesnt really smell oily , smells more like gas...but not overpowering strong gas. Defiently doesnt smell sweet. Other people have suggested my turbo seal, will have to have a look this weekend
  8. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    nooooooooooooooooooo its not a BHG Im almost 100% sure of that! I will check though. Is it difficult to remove the plugs to get to the cylinders on a 7mgte?
  9. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    yeah i know, but whats the chances of it blowing white smoke the exact time i did the oil change. bought a cheapo compression test kit online , hopefully its here by this weekend. Any other recommendations in the meantime?
  10. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    oh thought Id have to take it to a mechanic (which usually charge on upward of $300 for any work on my car , even basic work) Il be buying a compression tester kit this weekend then. no dont have a wide band gauge , this problem only started after my oil change though so it HAS to be...
  11. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    is it worth a compression test? should I attempt to remove some oil first? It does slow down in gear but is worse when in neutral smells like gas but not strong smelling(definitely not sweet smelling , rechecked my coolant level - looks fine) Temp outside ranging from 68 degrees Fahrenheit -...
  12. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    Hi Guys So the problems never end.... Ive started blowing large amounts of white smoke out of my exhaust , its much worse when I'm in neutral. This started happening immediately after I did an oil change. Oil I used is Castrol Magnatec 10w-40. Yes Ive checked for overfill. Oil is at...
  13. aloshan

    How much would a front end repair cost?

    im sure the guys on this forum will be able to tell you how much you can get for the parts , ive got no idea of their worth in the states.
  14. aloshan

    How much would a front end repair cost?

    far to much to consider rescuing. From what Ive seen , mk3's in the states are damn cheap so if you've done a lot of work on the engine and want to keep it , get a rolling shell and transplant it into that. If its just a stock mk3, id say buy another mk3 (if you are so inclined) and keep this...
  15. aloshan

    4" exhaustsystem doubt?

    you probably will have trouble controlling boost unless you are making massive amounts of power. just stick with your 3' , it should be more then adequate..
  16. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    maybe oring wasnt lubed - damn turbo is in the way on the top and getting any instrument from the bottom was close to impossible. After using my hands for sometime the bugger finally came off. Made sure I lubed it up before putting it back on ,tightened it up but made sure i didn't overdo it as...
  17. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    ive been told this by a few people.its far too black after only a thousand k's. Im pretty sure he cleaned everything before he assembled, I had pics of it and everything, then again after the last year I trust almost no one now. beside a dirty rebuild , any other reason the oil has turned...
  18. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    its sooty,ive got far to much on my plate right now to be sending anything away anywhere. Got so much to do on the supe! I bought the whole oil changing kit for this very reason. Ive learnt not having the correct tools takes twice as long to do and the job is done half as well. Even with my...
  19. aloshan

    First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

    tried doing that, was a b*tch to open and after struggling for an hour tryna get the damn filter of (toyota loves putting vital parts in hard to reach places dont they) I gave up and threw the filter away :(