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  1. yhatzee89

    Have you regretted going 7M to 1JZ?

    The biggest advantage of the JZ is it's aftermarket, 7M simply doesn't have as much
  2. yhatzee89

    Tail light teardown and rebuild

    In order to darken the center twilight you have to remove the silver paint on the inside of the lense, the reason his lights look the same all the way across is because the silver in the side lenses replicates the silver paint inside the center piece. But I don't know how you would remove the...
  3. yhatzee89

    Aftermarket Seats

    No I got mine from a guy who picked them up at their warehouse back when they still imported clips. I like them because they fit like factory. I'd find a set you like and go to an actual fab shop and have them replicate you a set of rails
  4. yhatzee89

    Aftermarket Seats

    Mine were imported by Jarco back in the day, came in a JZA70 front clip, with the correct rails they fit perfect and are the correct height
  5. yhatzee89

    Aftermarket Seats

    Look on my build thread, I have a set of recaro speed seats in mine
  6. yhatzee89

    Here to lurk and learn about Supras. This one is mine

    Do you have a sister? Cuz my GF hates my Supra and wants to set it on fire lol
  7. yhatzee89

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    Damnit! Why does my car have to be in MO :(
  8. yhatzee89

    KYB Rear Shock Mounts Missing Metal Plate?

    Yeah I know, that's why I got them lol, I've got an extra set I'm tryin to shed if your interested. No idea on ride yet as the car is still riding jack stands. And my hope is that they won't crush and become useless like the factory ones all do eventually
  9. yhatzee89

    KYB Rear Shock Mounts Missing Metal Plate?

    How much were the spring isolators from Toyota? I just went through this same process with my RSRs and illuminaIIs, and after seeing how torn up the stock isolators were I ended up ordering a set of poly ones from energy suspensions. Also found out that KYB and Moog bump stops are exactly the...
  10. yhatzee89

    Rear BBK anyone?

    Never installed it, even had the rotors bored and everything, but I'm in the middle of moving and I need the money for other things
  11. yhatzee89

    Rear BBK anyone?

    I have this setup for sale if anyone is interested go to my for sale thread in my sig
  12. yhatzee89

    Anyone know how to get ahold of Tokico Illumina II TEMS shocks?

    Press the buttons, if they move then I'd say your fine
  13. yhatzee89

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    You gonna have the wiper shaved as well?
  14. yhatzee89

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    Starions have been done quite a bit on our cars actually, I'm going to have to get the front fenders pulled a bit to fit them correctly, but they should look pretty good once it's done. I don't actually care for the starion/conquest, I just like the wheels lol Oh damn that sucks man, I've got...
  15. yhatzee89

    Anyone know how to get ahold of Tokico Illumina II TEMS shocks?

    If any of you guys need some actuators pm me
  16. yhatzee89

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    That's all well and good until Toyota gives it away to Lexus or scion again... eBay is a wonderful thing, I figure on polished starions with black insets they will be simple enough but still look like they belong with the rest of the car (have TRD badges on the car already)