So long story short... my husband sold his supra when we first started hanging out (nine months ago)
to fly across the country and be with me.
I was there for only three days before deciding Portland was WAY too cold and flew back to Florida.
This man basically dropped everything to be with me, and i didn't forget!
He never threw it in my face. He never made me feel bad about it.
All this time we continued looking for a supra that wouldn't need much fixing, even though we had no money.
Ironically for two months there was this 89" supra sitting a block from our house WAY out of our price range but in great condition and all stock.
We passed this car every day and it was clear that he was wanting it badly.
We waited and continued our casual search with no luck. Slowly the price dropped from $7500 to $5000
With only two thousand saved up between us, i decided it was time to part with my 2004 ford focus (which i only bought to learn how to drive manual in)
Sure enough the man took what I had ($4000) and now we are the owners of this little blue machine!
I'm excited about the modifications he chooses to make to this car and am interested in learning more about them.
I want to fund everything for him. If that means dropping $1000 per month i'm fine with it. Supras are his thing :love: