See, that's what I was fearing. I was under the impression from what GrimJack stated, that the all-seasons compound would be a bit safer because they wouldn't get so hard in near-freezing temps; whereas summer tires are likely designed to have soft compound in hotter weather and at the coldest...
Now those look pretty good but that still leaves me wondering how they would do at 40 degrees F... Tire rack warns against near-freezing temps and I've been warned on here, I think I need a different compound.
I'll look some more at Tire Rack, Discount Tire and local dealers and see what I...
I'll look at how that one tests compared to the others I'm considering. I'd fix my alignment but it's actually permanent damage/shoddy fix where the upper A-arm attaches to the rear subframe. it's been welded together, the A-arm is rubbing a tad bit and it's obviously not quite in line...
Thanks for the tips thusfar guys, I think some of you may have helped me last time I picked a tire.
Sorry I forgot to mention i wanted stock size, 225/50/16. I'm wanting to stay at $100 or less per tire if I can.
Good tip on the compound GrimJack, I did read that the summer tires (at least...
I wore out my Kumho Ecsta ASX's, or down to the wear bars at least, and one tire has worn a lot more on the inside because I didn't rotate them and I have a screwed-up left rear toe-in... (wreck and a shoddy subframe weld I didn't know about)
ANYWAY, I realized after reading that SPT's might...
I'm looking to build my credit and hopefully earn rewards through one of the many available credit card companies. It would be one of my first cards so I figure I'd research it a bit before delving into a company that isn't good to deal with. I got a Target card and that proved to be a bit of...
I just sprayed some black on the rear of my muffler and realized it makes the rear look a hell of a lot better without a really obvious metal oval sticking out the bottom. Nice job on the exhaust, in for a sound clip, too!
That car is not quite mint, really...I looked at it earlier, about a year ago. Talked to the owner, too. It's a nice car for sure; excellent interior, professional repairs...(still has it's front engine covers) but it has had body damage, which taints the "mint" feel in my opinion.
Last I...
Now I want to do this SOOO BAD.
Is it pretty much just tuned to stick and respond well at high speeds?
I need to read more about the history of this car. I've seen some pictures of it in road races, a few as a rally car (made me want to dress mine up like a wannabe rally car, lol!).
don't forget safety.
I sought after a 2nd gen 4runner until I looked at the crash test results. Plus, for how big they look they feel kinda cramped inside.
I have no idea how the 1st gen trucks and 4runners do; crash-test data isn't available back then.
2nd gen Miata did fairly well, on...
As said by others, they are old and wear out, a camry will be the same, once reliable but after 25 years...needing help. MR2's are just more complicated and things as simple as your emergency brake cable will piss you off (they fill with water and corrode). Also, they aren't normal: you have...
Wanted to thank you all for the help!
After rebuilt calipers, new brake lines, rotors, pads, and master car brakes very well and has no odd symptoms.
Fluid level might have dropped a bit so I'll be checking for leaks, but it seems sound. Found some interesting welds from a...
haha, true if it's going to actually jump...and i do remember the video the ride height did change. I wish that made it into production, or at least as a mass produced production across more cars. i don't know it's history or how far it lived.
223.94 for a master cylinder...§ion=BRAKES&group=HYDRAULIC%20SYSTEM&subgroup=HYDRAULIC%20SYSTEM&component=MASTER%20CYLINDER
Might be the best for TOYOTA branded OEM, but that's always going to be an arm and...
woah woah woah... it's only 82.89 for a brand new master cylinder by Aisin, from Driftmotion... That part won't be messed up with goofy seals! Not sure why I would want to do work rebuilding with a 100-dollar Toyota kit when I could buy a new part from the same maker that made the original...
I'm likely going to rebuild all the calipers with new units and then retest the master cylinder. I might take it apart to inspect it first but I may just flush it...and test with fresh calipers.
I remember being parked with the car running, pressing the brake, and then I decided to either pump...
Holy crap.
This car is somewhat old, but I'm really annoyed by little problems like this. I just want it to work :( (whine whine whine, sorry)
I'll take a look at my cylinder and make sure it's a Toyota part (hopefully it says AISIN or some Toyota name I know on the side).
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