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  1. Figit090

    Minor auto accident injury experiences? I'd appreciate feedback!

    Thanks for all the help and advice so far everyone, my neck is feeling lots better and I asked the insurance company for a less intrusive medical release form that hopefully doesn't say that they can ask pretty much any group about any of my medical and/or non-medical history. Yes I can revoke...
  2. Figit090

    Minor auto accident injury experiences? I'd appreciate feedback!

    that's true, claims used to pay out even more than they do now, it used to be 3x medical +10%...not anymore.
  3. Figit090

    Minor auto accident injury experiences? I'd appreciate feedback!

    Thank you for the tips, Theresa. I've made a calendar with details pertaining to everything from doc visits to adjuster phone calls and my own thoughts and feelings as I go along so I don't have to remember (and inevitably forget) what went on. Did a lawyer tell you the 3x settle for 2x...
  4. Figit090

    Minor auto accident injury experiences? I'd appreciate feedback!

    EDIT for recent events: I'm finally healed and settled on the lawsuit I ended up filing against the party at fault, to get their insurance to pay up. Ironically their insurance company is the major owner of my subsidiary insurance I had to fight one side with evidence of no...
  5. Figit090

    Ultra High Performance Summer or All Season? Kumho Ecsta SPT and ASX vs others

    Update: I've put about 300 miles on the Conti's now, and I must say; so far they are great! mild rainy days show they take to water well, and show just a little resistance when I hit hydroplane-size puddles (no huge ones yet). Also, the grip is FANTASTIC over the Kumho ASX all-seasons. I...
  6. Figit090

    Credit Cards - What is the best? Looking to get some rewards without a headache..

    Yeah that's...what...I thought you said the first time? You can get a huge 5% if you meet all these dumb requirements (work for it), but otherwise a normal-ish .15 percent. They profit from using your money, direct deposit is one of them. they hope you'll keep that 2k-2500 in there (you'd be...
  7. Figit090

    Credit Cards - What is the best? Looking to get some rewards without a headache..

    Cool, that stipulation stuff does sound tricky, I'll stick to working and avoid the hassle, I think. But thanks all the same! :D I dunno about better interest elsewhere, 5% sounds really high (unheard of I thought...perhaps I've missed something), but easier...yes. :) I had one account...
  8. Figit090

    Ultra High Performance Summer or All Season? Kumho Ecsta SPT and ASX vs others

    yeah I read your comment on the DWS, and given this is a commute car with a GT background and truck-high suspension, I think the softish sidewall will be fine, and the grip will make a few autocross runs more fun. :D Thanks again!
  9. Figit090

    Credit Cards - What is the best? Looking to get some rewards without a headache..

    Good tips again, thanks. What bank and type of account gets you that much in interest!? I thought I had good interest in a savings account at a credit union and my last (floating interest rate/fluctuating interest) earned me about 3 dollars on about the same amount of money in THREE months...
  10. Figit090

    Ultra High Performance Summer or All Season? Kumho Ecsta SPT and ASX vs others

    225/50/16. That tire is a little too pricey for what I'm looking for, but thank you. :) I liked the Kumho SPT, but since I can't get $100 off and a free alignment with that brand I narrowed it down to just the tires available for that discount on tire rack, and came up with either the...
  11. Figit090

    Ultra High Performance Summer or All Season? Kumho Ecsta SPT and ASX vs others

    HAHA, yeah I didn't include that I have a lot less HP than a lot of people responding, it seems. thanks Poodles. Thanks, I'll keep it in the list, I'm going to buy in the next couple days, I didn't get that credit card like I thought (didn't realize credit card companies do check to make...
  12. Figit090

    Credit Cards - What is the best? Looking to get some rewards without a headache..

    Well I tried the application for the BofA cash rewards card that I was prescreened for and apparently I don't have enough established history nor enough revolving credit accounts to be approved. I thought if they sent something to my door I had to get something but maybe I misread something or...
  13. Figit090

    Credit Cards - What is the best? Looking to get some rewards without a headache..

    Well since I'm starting out and have "thin credit" according to Credit Karma (just signed up for that site a minute ago), I likely will not get approved. I'll call them tomorrow if my application fails right now. What happened to you with BofA? I was a bit fed up with them earlier but it was...
  14. Figit090

    Credit Cards - What is the best? Looking to get some rewards without a headache..

    I definitely have the money available, I need new tires I was just thinking I could save money if I took on an offer for a credit card. I will have to buy slightly more expensive tires but it doesn't matter too much (still saving compared to many local shops prices, jeebus!) and I'll get a few...
  15. Figit090

    Ultra High Performance Summer or All Season? Kumho Ecsta SPT and ASX vs others

    I have a stock N/A engine with 140k on the clock and a few BHG's. I'm not even making 180hp. LOL. It's a sideways grip ordeal for me, but thanks much for your input! :D
  16. Figit090

    Credit Cards - What is the best? Looking to get some rewards without a headache..

    Thanks for checking that, I never thought of using whois for that. What importance is the 0% balance transfer? --EDIT-- forgot about Google; I take it that would be important only for transferring one debt on another card to this one; not important to me since I don't plan on ever doing that...
  17. Figit090

    Credit Cards - What is the best? Looking to get some rewards without a headache..

    BIG quote-filled reply, I think I replied to most of your posts everyone:icon_bigg, sorry I've been away and couldn't keep posting daily.:aigo: Thanks, guys! I'll look more at my bank, and possibly opening an account with another bank (guh...perhaps incentives will pay off?) I appreciate...
  18. Figit090

    Ultra High Performance Summer or All Season? Kumho Ecsta SPT and ASX vs others

    Thanks. Well, I checked and not only can I not find a treadwear rating, but my local dealer has a supid "Hello? Hello?....Leave a message" on their answering machine, so either Nokian gave me the wrong number or that business has something funny going on, or closed their doors. Are the WRG2's...
  19. Figit090

    Ultra High Performance Summer or All Season? Kumho Ecsta SPT and ASX vs others

    Where do they all GET them?? TR doesn't have them and i'm not sure DTD does because their site is down. Much point to their online warranty/road hazard service? Haven't looked into DTD's service. I kinda think that a compound that doesn't get harder would grip better, while some tires...
  20. Figit090

    anyone looking for a minty mk3???

    The paint is the ONLY thing keeping me from calling that guy up. otherwise it seems like a clean car. /\ This. It stinks when I sometimes think about the accident history of my car, and the hidden damage. Makes it feel tainted...i guess. not a bid deal but safety wise, resale wise...