I had bad oil pressure for the longest time. At peak wot, it wouldn't go above 20psi at idle it was fine at 18psi. I eventually realized my oil relocation/cooler lines and cooler itself were not big enough. Changed to -8 lines and cooler and now its back to normal! Luckily my bearings were fine...
lol... yea my friend didn't know how to lock his doors. He has a 84 300zx. I believe this is also the reason why the door handles are always broken on the driverside. too much stress when closing the door and holding the handle for so many years.
I'm interested in this too. I just moved and I finally have my own 2 car garage now! :) I'm in the process of remodelling one of the rooms in the house so I have materials in the garage in one spot but still have some space to work in the garage with 2 cars stored in there. Finishing the den...
It's not even where I moved. I'm still in philly. It was near Willow Grove Mall. fkin ghost car! I saw there was a crown vic tailgating me from the head lights. that's when he started flashing me. :nono: but still a fkin crooked license plate.
I have been thinking lately of putting a...
So I got pulled over last night in the supra. I got pulled over for following too close to the next car. He ended up giving me a verbal warning for tinted windows, loud exhaust and following to closely. He gave me a ticket for my license plate not being secured correctly cause it was being held...
yea ok mr mad slow! i've rode in your car already! I know what it does with them stock turbos.
I was running 15 lbs in the red car without the cams and some other stuff. I don't know. coils getting old I guess. Yea I'll buy your 1ZZ setup!
I believe I start seeing boost a little below...
LMFAO!! I was only running 9 lbs. when it doesn't blow spark. Whenever I hook up my boost controller, it overboosts even if the ebc isn't on. I forget how I had it hooked up before. Haven't had time to look into that so I just left it unhooked. Plus since its blowing spark a 9lbs, no point in...
Thanks guys! Miguel, yes that's the new house. I'll let you know when the house warming is.
Eric no I haven't made any new videos. Tyler made/edited a video. He did a good job. I'll post it up.
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