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  1. 5

    Coming to a conclusion...

    I could easily return my car back to stock, but what's the fun in that?
  2. 5

    7M Backgrounds Thread

    We could always put these designs on t-shirts, anyone? I bought this one a couple years back, it helps stir the pot. And I'm going to be making my own design here shortly... ;)
  3. 5

    How much have you spent on your MkIII

    Well said, I stopped counting after I spent my first thousand. However, I do know that it will take about $15,000 to finish it. :nono:
  4. 5

    ma-70 carbon fiber twill weave & plain weave parts.

    Year: 1992 A radiator block off plate that actually fits.
  5. 5

    Help! My car won't rev past 3,000 RPM!

    Unplugged the TPS and went for another drive around the block. The car ran great again, looks like the TPS may be the issue here.
  6. 5

    Help! My car won't rev past 3,000 RPM!

    Reset the ECU and drove the car around the block, checked for codes when I got home. Now I'm only getting one code, 41 (TPS), the other codes must have been stored codes. Odd part is, the car idles perfect. I was told the car would be "searching" with a bad TPS.
  7. 5

    Help! My car won't rev past 3,000 RPM!

    Update! Checked for codes today and got the following results: Code 21: 02 sensor (self explanatory) Code 31: air flow meter Code 34: turbocharger pressure (fuel cut) Code 41: throttle position sensor Looks like the AFM, and/or the TPS is the culprit :nono:
  8. 5

    Help! My car won't rev past 3,000 RPM!

    The check engine light hasn't come on once, but I'll be checking for codes tomorrow.
  9. 5

    Help! My car won't rev past 3,000 RPM!

    Have the day off tomorrow so I'm going to check all of these, along with checking for any codes. My CPS started leaking oil a couple weeks ago, friend of mine thinks oil might have gotten on the contacts. No, what I meant by no codes is the car is not throwing a check engine light - sorry...
  10. 5

    Help! My car won't rev past 3,000 RPM!

    I've had an odd day with the Supra. Went for a short cruise with another Supra owner today, decided I'd do a small pull on the way to lunch. I noticed the car didn't rev as high as it normally did, even half throttle. So I made another short pull, this time with my foot to the floor, and the car...
  11. 5

    (¯`·._. RolluS - Supra MKIII Turbo Targa A/T - Build thread + Questions ._.·´¯)

    The MAP ECU does not offer timing control, make sure you pick up a MAP ECU 2 or 3
  12. 5

    Quick question about using 89+ trim on a pre 89 car.

    It will look "unfinished," just buy a set of '89+ tail lights and be done with it.
  13. 5

    I remember the days....

    A key part in "living with a Supra" is budgeting. Here is my budget, as an example: I mentioned I have about $800/mo. in expenses, so break that down into $200/week. $100 of it is set aside for rent/bills, and another $100 is set aside for food/gas/etc.. Now, anything over that $200 goes into...
  14. 5

    Rubber Front Lip

    Nice little write up, I purchased the same lip a couple months ago. What hardware are you using? I haven't gotten around to installing mine yet.
  15. 5

    "I Want To Organize A Meet in 2013" Thread - CLICK HERE

    I have something in the works for Texas, more details to come. :x:
  16. 5

    Divorced Downpipe vs Bellmouth/Widemouth

    The Raptor Racing DDP looks great! :bigthumb: Does anyone know if they sell a MKIII specific version? Seems like they're know for MKII parts, and their website isn't very helpful.