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  1. GrimJack

    Never say no to Panda

    Go pee before you watch this.
  2. GrimJack

    Wow... this should tick off the Vegans...

    Unicorn meat t-shirts! LOL - I damn near spit up laughing when I saw these. I need to find a little girl infatuated with Unicorns... how horrific would it be unwrapping this on your birthday if you were 10, female, and infatuated with...
  3. GrimJack

    What's the dumbest idea you've ever heard?

    A recent conversation, that shall remain anonymous, spawned this idea... post the dumbest - or several dumbest, if you've got 'em. I'll start: - Buying a web cam for your 12yo daughter - Buying a sports car for your 15yo son - Putting off the 'birds and the bees' conversation with your kids...
  4. GrimJack

    What's the worst car you've ever owned?

    Mine was a '77 Ford Pinto. I recall that I had to carry solvent with me at all times, because the gas tank was so badly rusted on the inside that the fuel filter would clog up within 30 miles... then I'd have to stop, pop the hood, pull out the fuel filter, flush it out with solvent, and plug...
  5. GrimJack

    New numbers!

    Thanks Bill! 24psi on pump with water / meth. To go with the new dyno numbers, I've also got some new 1/4 mile numbers, that I'm still absolutely flabbergasted about. I'm car number 4056 on the left! :D
  6. GrimJack

    for the iPhone fans...

  7. GrimJack

    Anyone considering Vegas this year?

    I need to work out whether I'm flying to Vegas this summer, or driving there this fall for SILV. Anyone else planning on attending? I don't see anyone on the RSVP list from around here yet...
  8. GrimJack

    Bacon wrapped Supramania!
  9. GrimJack

    Rear window defog debugging

    Ok, I'm at a bit of a loss here, folks. My rear window defog doesn't work, and I can't figure out a logical reason why. Here's what I know so far: - The defog in the mirrors works, and it pulls off the same circuit according to the TEWD. That rules out the defog circuit breaker and relay...
  10. GrimJack

    Metro 2033

    Ok, I'm a bunch of hours in now, and I'll admit I'm pretty damn impressed. There are some issues - it's a hardware pig like nothing I've seen for years, and there ARE some AI problems, but usually on the mutants that are supposed to be at best animal smart anyway. Ammo is supposed to be...
  11. GrimJack

    40amp CDS fuse... what is it for?

    Even my copy of the TEWD just shows a fuse that goes to the label CDS, then dead ends. Same as it does with the ABS, but at least that one is obvious. Anyone know what it's for? I had to cannibalize it to replace an AM2 fuse that I popped, but I can't find anything that doesn't work anymore...
  12. GrimJack

    How to remove the headliner from under the targa?

    I'm trying to pull the headliner off the targa roof, in preparation for putting a new one on. However, it doesn't seem to want to come off in any direction. Any tips appreciated!
  13. GrimJack

    Looking for a specific de-motivational poster

    All you experts at digging through the internets, help me out here. There was, at one time, a demotivational poster of a late model Camaro - or perhaps a Firebird - at the start of a curvy section of twisty road. I seem to recall a road sign that read something along the lines of Danger...
  14. GrimJack

    The Mistress

    Ok, it's time to let this lady out into public again. The thread title comes from how my jealous wife refers to the Supra, in case you were wondering. The story: A friend of mine, Jeremy (or Turbo Drifter here) from the club originally owned this car. He, and a few of his friends, are...
  15. GrimJack

    Source for those absolutely terrible diamond cut / clear headlight housings?

    I'm looking for a set to put my projector retrofit in, and it looks as though they just plain aren't available in Canada. Probably due to some law... So then I start digging through eBay, and they are nice and cheap... a bunch are available for about $10! Then I check the shipping, and they...
  16. GrimJack

    Anyone identify this wiring loom? Pics included.

    I've never seen seamless woven loom like this until now. Came on the 2J car. If I can't figure out what it is, I'll have to pester the PO.
  17. GrimJack

    AEM Meth injection kit death - pics inside

    A while back, I posted up about how the AEM meth injection pumps are evidently not entirely waterproof. Well, my new one came in today, so I figured I'd post some before / after pics. Old and busted: New hotness: PS: The new one is going in the hatch, away from any unkind water trying to...
  18. GrimJack

    Why Parents Drink

    A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then he saw an envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow that was addressed to 'Dad.' With the worst premonition he opened the envelope. With trembling hands he read...
  19. GrimJack

    Tow hook - trailer hitch reciever mounted?

    Been looking around for a while, and I can't find anything like this. So, it's either against the rules, silly beyond belief, or simply nobody has thought of it yet. Or maybe it's unmarketable, I guess. Looking for something like this...
  20. GrimJack

    AEM Meth injection kit warning

    If you install one of these, keep in mind that the pump is not water resistant, and must be installed somewhere that it is not subject to the weather. Kind of them to mention this in the instruction, too. Oh... wait... Otherwise, water gets into the electric motor, corrodes pretty much...