Search results

  1. GrimJack

    New art project

    For those of you familiar with my previous work, this will likely look familiar. I'm finally biting the bullet and taking on the Mk4. It's significantly more difficult than the Mk2 and Mk3, as soon as you start it's obvious that all the sizes are significantly different... which may work fine...
  2. GrimJack

    Normally I'm not a fan of men dancing... but this guy...

    ... well, I guess he's the exception to the rule. Damn impressive.
  3. GrimJack

    Why adults don't seriously play MMOs

    Pretty damn accurate, too. :) The rest of the site is pretty damn funny as well.
  4. GrimJack

    Stolen car: Maroon & White Cressida, 1j = FOUND!

    Keep an eye out for this, and if you see it call the police, please. Original post here:
  5. GrimJack

    How to rebuild the 3rd brake light in the 89+ spoiler

    Does your 3rd brake light look like this? If so, you can fix it with some basic skills and about 9 hours of spare time. Needed: - 10mm socket - Philips screwdriver - Soldering iron - De-soldering tool or tape - Side cutters - Dremel - Silicone glue - Replacement LEDs - 56 of them Remove the...
  6. GrimJack

    Archer = Fantastic

    I'm half way through season 2 of Archer, and I'm laughing so damn hard it hurts. This thing is so politically incorrect, I'm astonished that it made it on the air. If you get a chance, watch some. Careful though, this thing is worse than...
  7. GrimJack

    Show at Spanish banks, Vancouver, May 1st

    Anyone going to this? Put on by the local 510 crew, as I understand it. I'll probably try to make it out, why not? :)
  8. GrimJack

    Badass of the week...

    This was an awesome read:
  9. GrimJack

    Best of luck to anyone in Japan...

    Looks pretty brutal over there... nasty earthquake, then tsunami, even the freaking volcano cut loose! Here's hoping they don't end up on the ocean floor as Atlantis Part II.
  10. GrimJack

    Bad weather pics...

    Just stepped outside with the tripod to take a few shots of the poor car. It's been back and forth between snow and freezing rain here all day.
  11. GrimJack

    A buddy of mine is looking for a turbo for his drag beetle... suggestions?

    Here's the specs he quoted me: Any suggestions?
  12. GrimJack

    I think I found a pic of Mike's computer room...
  13. GrimJack

    Tire ... of death.

    This looks like it could be full of win.
  14. GrimJack

    Leaky hatch? Look here!

    So, my hatch was leaking. I'm sure anyone reading this is familiar with the symptoms - pop hatch, lift, water has been pooling in the plastic body panel that covers the rear window wiper motor, which promptly pours out the sides. Usually one of them manages to pour into the hatch, getting your...
  15. GrimJack

    Revenge of the XBox girls

    Some role reversal comedy...
  16. GrimJack

    Tron legacy girls?

    Anyone else seen this? There were girls walking around the local mall with black and blue frisbees in tight black tops and pants with blue stripes... I'm guessing it was to promote Tron Legacy. Something like so:
  17. GrimJack

    Integration Relay #2 pic?

    Anyone happen to have a pic of what the Integration Relay #2 looks like, and possibly where / how it mounts? I suspect there is a problem with mine, and I'm not looking forward to the contortionist madness required to get to it. At least there's no cage in my car... Here's where it is in...
  18. GrimJack

    looking for the Mk3 cutaway illustration, black background

    I can't recall where I found this the last time I was looking. Some European Supra site? DamnifIremember. Anyway, if you have a copy of know where to find it online, post up!
  19. GrimJack

    Possibly silly question for someone over the pond...

    I've been watching a fair bit of Top Gear recently, and all the footage of British roads has made me wonder. What is with the crooked lines between lanes? Are all the line painters horribly drunk?
  20. GrimJack

    Quench - anyone care to explain?

    I heard about this factor called quench in engines. However, I've never seen a good explanation of what it is. Even some digging about in Google and our own search engine doesn't turn up much. So... if you understand it, care to take a stab at explaining it to the rest of us?