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  1. Stu_22

    Help doing timing belt

    Second pic is with the stock directly under the AEM sto show the small bit important difference
  2. Stu_22

    Help doing timing belt

    Sorry for getting a bit "arsey" just got of the phone with a very unhelpful AEM
  3. Stu_22

    Help doing timing belt

    Does this guy have his head up his arse when it come to customer service. Ive called a couple of times now and he cant even reply with an email. AEM are no better some dumb bird answering the phone "please hold they all out of the office" "No I bloody cant hold I calling from he UK and its...
  4. Stu_22

    Help doing timing belt

    cant measure it now as its dark but the centre is a perfect fit for the 7M's cam thats why its taken me a while to relise its the wrong one.
  5. Stu_22

    Help doing timing belt

    The box was all sealed up as 7MGTE just have to see how quickly suprasport gets back to me and if they send ne the right ones
  6. Stu_22

    Help doing timing belt

    Well the answer is wrong cam gears. I bought some AEM adjustable ones from supra sport but they are smaller than original. I was a few months ago since I got them any change of getting a replacement. What gears do I have?
  7. Stu_22

    Help doing timing belt

    pretty sure its the right belt but will check in the morning. As for how much slack enought to throw the timing of the cams out buy about two teeth every rev. The tensioner is as far right as possible
  8. Stu_22

    Help doing timing belt

    Having trouble changing my timing belt. I'm using a Gates Racing one and have read the TRSM bit but I always come out with too much slack around the tensioner with the tensioner released AEM and have sent me the wrong cam gears:1zhelp: :1zhelp: :1zhelp: :1zhelp: :1zhelp: :1zhelp:
  9. Stu_22

    Fuel tank pressure

    I dont care about the venting or what to do about the pressure I'm sure this is a featue or design on the supra well the UK lot seem to think so. The point im not happy with is the car is wasting energy trying to maintain tank pressure when its not runnung surly it should be on ignition live...
  10. Stu_22

    Fuel tank pressure

    This is a uk car did we gave charcoal cannisters? Something must be working to maintain the pressure in the tank the car hasnt run for months but if I srew the cap on tight it builds pressure sure thats not right
  11. Stu_22

    Fuel tank pressure

    What mantain the fuel tanks pressure and should it be maintaining that pressure even when the car is not on. I'm halfway through changing to a AFPR but if i scew the fuel cap down petrol starts pissing out so I have to leave the cap undone a bit. The car hasnt run in months though. Thanks
  12. Stu_22

    Semi circle of metal

    Where the crank dmaper pulley slides on. Probably a really simple newbie question but whats it for?
  13. Stu_22

    Steering Help Please

    yep hasnt been touched. I assume the impu shaft of the pump just goes round and round
  14. Stu_22

    Steering Help Please

    This is the thing I havent touched the tie rods. I just took the subframe off. Put the three wheels straight and put the shaft back on
  15. Stu_22

    Steering Help Please

    Still need some help please
  16. Stu_22

    Idle controll valve

    The coolant was orange when I flushed it so I guess thats the cause. Just got the car cheap so not my lack of maintanence
  17. Stu_22

    Steering Help Please

    after taking my subframe off and now starting to put it back together I got to the steering shaft. I thought if I had the wheels straight and the steering wheel straight that wouls be that. I was wrong as it gave me 1.5 turns to the left and 2 turns to the right how do I sort this?:1zhelp:
  18. Stu_22

    Idle controll valve

    pulled my idle controll valve off to yesterday bit two of the pipes were blocked up with what seemed to be mud. Plus the ends of the pipes had started to rot away. The car idled fine before but what couls be the cause?
  19. Stu_22

    Big Favour Please

    Is there any chance one of you kind folk would ring up AutoSport wiring for me. I bought a patch harness a few weeks back but recieved nothing and the tracking info say attempted delivery, which I have seen no sign of. I know I should ring myself but it would wipe out any saving I made buying...