Ok seeing some threads brought up an idea. People now a days rely on dyno's to do thier tuning but I know that alot of oldschool techniques for tuning still apply today and some do not (spark plug indexing).
For instance.
Reading spark plugs after a run.
Who here has done that? Who...
I heard this idiot on the radio yesterday. Needless to say the DJ's were making fun of the brilliant decision but more so because of his idiotic parents. Stupid people should not pro-create but alas here we are.
Generation "Stupid"
being dupped for the second time!
Beer was $1
Fight was scheduled for two cage "fighters".
"fighters" came in, stripped each other down to underwear/knickers.
"fighter" began kissing and touching...
Clown is from Napolean.
Notice the specifications though
400hp - 500 lb/ft torque.
0-60 3 seconds and 100+ mpg.
Unless he invented a NEW engine. The current one won't be able to do it unless you address the...
another electrical post from yours truely. This one is incase someone feels brave.
Disclaimer: I publish this information without any warranties, either expressed or implied. Do not use this post as the final say, use the FACTORY authorized repair manual to get your information! I am...
Putting this here as I there is no "electrical" section ;)
The toyota IAC is a 6 pole design stepper. Usually labled S1-S2-S3-S4 for the switching ground and B1-B2 for the 12+ vdc. This automatically makes the stepper motor a unipolar designed stepper motor. What this means is that the stepper...
Well a bit of background,
somehow, two dogs evaded security and ran on the track.
dog got lucky that the first F1 did not hit it but then Senna was not so fortunate (he was the 2nd F1).
dog was literally killed right on the spot..
by the way...
Digital Power distribution is the latest technology to come out of the racing world.
Digital power distribution replaces all the mechanical relays and fuses with one neat little package. For the normal street car this is not to big a deal, But in the race car were ounces are accounted for...
Since this is the stand alone forum. Thought I would post in here about wiring and ALL different types. Specifically the types used in the auto industry and the motor sport industry.
My background. I used to wire aircraft for the Military. Particularly the avionics instrumentation of the...
I am surprised at how this worthless contraption has everyone thinking it actually does SOMETHING to improve suspension. This is only specific to the STB that is tied between the tower and not the one that connects the frame and the towers in a triangle.
Myth #1: STB keep the suspension...
Well not really the world but they are suing in no particluar order...
Electronic's Arts
Toys R US
and then the smallest company of them all
Wonder what caused Gibson to do this now... ought to be intresting...
and get sued!!!!!
the fun part about a global information system. Before that European cartoon would have had no effect. Now with everything published on the net....
they have come down to this!
and so has the rest of the Supramania board!
What am I reffering to. The geniuses at the vatican have now come up with NEW sins to fill us with more doom and gloom!
Sp I count about 30,000 rosemaries at the very least...
Anyone here picking this up in either DVD or HDDVD? :)
Let see show of hands :D
btw the new system that will be working this movie :)
Infocus IN82 Projector
Klipsch Ultra2 THX 5.2 package
Amps 2 x Crown XLS 602
and believe me when I tell you this system gets to 100 db sustained if I...
i would say I feel for the people that waited in line for the iphone but, not really :)
It was overpriced then and now Mr Jobs caught on that it was indeed overpriced. So 62...
well the question is open ended for a good reason :)
To those that did install a home theater (regardless of components). Why did you go that route?
For those that have not or are not contemplating a home theater. Why not?
Anyone keeping tabs off all the cyclist going down in anabolic glory?? lol
this is just, well needed actually :)
Rasmussen got kicked out by his own Rabobank team.
How fit. This is not including 4 other folks and the countless...
alright alright
i have been holding this for quite some time. Beside BCG04 and IJ. knowing, no one else did.
so without further adieu, the beast in all of its glory :)
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