so i bought a used afpr with gauge, lines, and dampener bypass around august of last year. i'm finally ready to used it. what i'm wondering is will be ok to just put it on? or should i take it appart and maybe reseal it if they sell new gaskets? i know plenty of people have bought them used. i...
for those that adjust them do you have any problems with the screw backing out once adjusted from the stock position? or does it stay in place without any locktite or lock nut?
there doesn't seem to be any info about that.
i was sitting around watching the most recent youtube vids of supras and there are a ton from texas this year. wish i could have went. :cry:
this one is good too even though its a evo...
so i put in my rebuilt tranny yesterday and wanted to go for a drive to test it out.
AND IT SHIFTS GREAT!!!!!!!!!:biglaugh:
also thats just the first hundred miles. i'm sure it will be even more smooth after the redline and the syncros breakin.
i went to the autocross yesterday. they have it at our local drag strip in the parking lot. towards the end i'm peeling through the cones soooooooooooo sideways. :naughty:
and thats with my near 300lb friend in the car filming.
leave it up to those rich arabs to trash a nice supra. they put that little 1j to death and almost killed the dam camera guy plus like five other people. :rofl: :aigo:
so my gasket on my egr cooler blew today out of nowhere. i just got done looking at it and it looks like it's going to be a bitch to change. so i'm considering pulling the motor to change it. for those that have done it on the car are they any tips or is it just hell. :icon_evil
i know its should be simple, but its going to rain hella soon. and i can't find the dam torque specs for the rear subframe. i know its because i need them right know. help me out. :aigo::3d_frown::1zhelp::biglaugh:
so i tore down my trans that i got with the new shell i got over the summer(i ran it for a couple months. then in second the shifter would walk about a 1/2" when i let off. plus it was making a wierd vibration/rattle noise but it would leave in 4th) i was sure it was the counter shaft bearing or...
how the fuck does someone with a nice supra get the idea to do that. plus the gay ass music. ITS NOT A TACOMA!
so i'm starting to think about what kind of rings and bearings i want use on my winter project. i seach and didn't find as much as i thought i would about where people got their rings. all i found is that the totalseal gapless rings seem to have a bad rep. the bearings are standard .25mm...
i was going to buy this car, but i don't have the time to go get it with school. it's my second favorite next to my black mk3. :cry: :love:
so i figured i would let everyone know about the sick deal i found. because i know there is one of...
just what the title says. dam close. supra gets him by a fender at the end. the 240 is fast to. it has a 35r too.
this is my idea of a perfect video. i can watch it over and over and it never gets old. thought i would share. i'm pretty sure its a repost but what ever. dam........that thing pulls. i want my car to do that. vroom...bloop. :biglaugh:
step 1.
get a gigantic dent in the side of you supra.
step 2.
step 3.
drill out all the spot welds on rear quarter then chop you targa in half on your matching parts car.
step 4.
drill out the spot welds in the area needed to be replaced. the carfully cut out the...
well, today i decided i would tear into the motor that was in my new supra i bought. its been sitting around since i got the car and took it out to put my good 7m in it. i wanted to see if its even worth keeping. i figured i would make a little build thread about it as a place to store pics and...
these ones are getting more and more rare. no mods, cleannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn as they get, and he is not asking a insane amount of money. oh yeah also having 46k on the chassie is always nice. all it needs is a 5spd swap. i thought i would...
wouldn't let me post two. here is the other one. these cheap tire i had laying around smoke good, but just turn to dust. lol.¤t=MOV04333.flv
my buddy didn't think my car could burnout. i had to show him whats up. also i love the sound my exhaust. towards the end there was this car come while i was fish tailing all over the place in 2nd. i though you guys would enjoy. :biglaugh...
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