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  1. black89t

    how many of you run steering coolers on your swap?

    so just as the title says i would like to know if you run a steering cooler. be it stock or aftermarket. i would like to know what size, brand, and where did you mount it. i can't imagine many people run the stock one considering its on the opposite side and acts as a intercooler heater with a...
  2. black89t

    87 turbo owners manual

    i just got this parts car the other day and it had the owners manual in it. i was looking through it and found a couple thing i figured you guys might get a laugh about. :biglaugh: notice how it says avoid continuous pressures over 8psi may cause engine damage. good luck telling...
  3. black89t

    lets talk shift knobs

    so yesterday at autocross i was at the beginning of a run. i nailed it in 1st went past the timing gate to start my run. hit 2nd and in the process of shifting to second i TORE THE FUCKING SHIFT KNOB OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! :aigo: i made it into gear but definately fuked that run up. was a little...
  4. black89t

    anyone looking for a minty mk3???

    if you are heres one to consider!!! found it looking through my local cl. not to many left that are in this condition. just thought i would give fellow members a heads up about it. theres also a really nice mk4 for sale locally. :naughty:
  5. black89t

    my supratruck in the mud!

    i finally made a video of my truck in the mud. its nothing to crazy because i didn't have another truck to pull me out incase i slid out of control into the mud pit lol! enjoy
  6. black89t

    intermittent surging idle

    hey so i have this intermittent surging idle problem since last saturday. right before i was about ready to line up and race at the local street legal drags. this is in my truck with a 7mgte swap. truck had been running great then out of know where i have this surging idle from roughly...
  7. black89t

    my latest project

    heres a vid of my 1990 toyota pickup with a 7mgte/r154 swap. its a total sleeper! people have no clue until it hits boost and passes them like they're tied to a post lol!!!
  8. black89t

    subframe compatibility

    so just wanted to make sure that the subframes are interchangable between all the years. i want to switch mine out for this spare i have from this 87 turbo because mine has a crack in it. my car is an 89 turbo.
  9. black89t

    how do you remove chrome from wheels?

    i have a set of cobra rims that the chrome is peeling off. i was hoping to find a good way to remove it. there isn't a chrome shop around here that can remove it properly. i have heard of so many different ways like sandblasting, bleach, oven cleaner, brake fluid, purple power, using a torch but...
  10. black89t


    came across some funny vids. thank god these people haven't had their hands on any supras. LOL. get ready to laugh. :biglaugh: this is what happens when a honda tries to show off. RICER SKILLS...
  11. black89t

    cam cap problem

    so i got a call from the machine shop that one of the cam caps on the head i just had them do work on is cracked. i'm pretty pissed off. i brought them a head that didn't have any problems and now it does. i haven't had a chance to see it in person yet though. tomorrow i'm going to go down...
  12. black89t

    T67 mk4 vs T67 EVO

    first race in the vid isn't that great but the second one is awesome. both cars sounded mean. :evil2:
  13. black89t

    Is this mhg ok?

    so i might just be paranoid but i want to make sure this mhg is fine. its a titan 1.4mm btw. here it seems to be stained by something or another. it isn't through the viton. here some of the viton coating got rubbed off by shipping most likely. i have a feeling its fine. i...
  14. black89t

    1.2mm mhg

    can you run a 1.2mm mhg 7m on the stock ecu? i know hks sells them and people have ran them. so does it ruin the timing? or what? couldn't seem to find anything about it. i remember reading wesbeech's build where he shaved the hell out of the head with a 1.2mm saying his compression way up...
  15. black89t


    its not my car but i really liked the vid so i thought i would share it with sm.
  16. black89t

    earls fittings

    i don't have much experience with them and have a couple questions. can i use any ss line with the earls fittings like an-4 or dm ss ones or does it have to be earls line? also what is the an- size and size in " or cm off the return? this will help me out a lot. thanks.
  17. black89t

    block pitting

    so i have this block that i want to build. its a later 7m block that has never been bored over and is in great shape other than this coolent jacket seems pretty extreme to me. its not quite in the compression ring but its pretty dam close. do you think this will machine out to where its...
  18. black89t

    pics of gas pedal

    so my gas pedal randomly fell appart the other day. you know the little plastic part you step on that goes to the acutal lever. i put it back together the way i figured it went, but a pic of it would be great. i'm really anal about my interior and want it exactly the way it was. a pic for...
  19. black89t

    supra vs 350z

    i was uploading some vids from the autocross today and came across this one from last year that i didn't even know got filmed. its my old crashed car with no front bumper smoking a 350z. i was watching it and was like wow that looks a lot like our track. then i was like WTF THATS MY OLD CAR...
  20. black89t

    old burnout of mine

    i was looking through my photobucket and found this old vid of mine. i don't think i ever posted it so i will right now for the hell of it. 7m of course. :biglaugh...