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  1. Boost Lee

    Where do you go for your electronic needs?

    Basically, I'm summing it down to Best Buy and Circuit, did I say that? :biglaugh: As of yesterday, Brandon (Turbo.Targa.Life) now works at Circuit City while I'm also an employee of Best Buy...and as weird as it sounds... Before working there, I liked both stores...but...
  2. Boost Lee

    Boost Leak's Rebuild (this one will take a while)

    Well...After owning my car for a while now and have done lots of different things with it...For one reason or another, I'm JUST now deciding to start a rebuild thread. After having a stock turbo, .57 trim, 60-1, a million different wheels, upgrades here, replacements there, add-ons here, etc...
  3. Boost Lee

    Found a new Supra guy in Indiana! =]

    So as it says...Actually, it's a guy that started working with me. We are making conversation, I find out he's a car I tell him that I have soon as I said that, I was waiting for him to say, "Oh sweet, is it twin turbozzz?" But I get an answer I wasn't expecting to hear...
  4. Boost Lee

    BHG FTW! Question about a size...

    Well a handful of you shall know that I blew my new, retorqued to 76lb/ft headgasket a flippin' WEEK before the Louisville meet, so I'm freaking out about trying to get it done and still working full time every anyways, I need to figure out what size allen bolt I'm going to need so I...
  5. Boost Lee


    ..................................................................................................................................... ..... ........ .. .. hi. I'm Jeffy. :x: .... . . . .. and I like APPLEZ. :rolleyes: :-p I hate Koreans. kthxbye.
  6. Boost Lee

    Quiz time! =] Need help with some plugs on thermostat housing

    It's about time I stop putting this off and start wiring everything up. As the picture shows, I've circled 4 unhooked plugs. I was browsing on cygnusx1 over the TSRM looking for something to tell me but I couldn't find it...So, I'll ask you fellers. More than anything though, I need to know...
  7. Boost Lee

    Does YOUR dog love your Supra?

    Nuff' said. :biglaugh:
  8. Boost Lee

    Year long problem that's finally kicking me in the butt...

    This thread is not for anyone who feels like hijacking or ranting or anything like that. If you have time, read this. If it looks like too much reading, leave. I bought my Supra in late September of 05. I've given it a lot of treatment and upgrades since then. There has been one thing that...
  9. Boost Lee

    Blue/Grey Rep Boxes?

    So I've wondered this since I first got my Blue (or grey) box Rep. :rolleyes: Can someone explain what this means? Obviously Green (good) and Red (bad)... BTW, On my crappy screen, it's Blue, but maybe it's suppose to be Grey... -Jeff
  10. Boost Lee

    Just thought I'd introduce myself.

    Hey guys. A few of you might know me, but just thought I'd say hey and I'm looking forward to being on the forums and talking to you guys! :icon_bigg .... :-p Jeff... :EDIT: Reason of name. I have a Supra Turbo. "BOOST". I'm Asian, as so is, "BRUCE Lee". My last...