Search results

  1. Boost Lee

    '88T vs. '86 Lambo :-)

    Yes, you heard it right. ;) Let me set the scene... It's 85 degrees, BEAUTIFUL sunny day, a very light breeze enough to keep you from sweating. I'm wishing I had a Targa top at the moment, but windows down and going for my daily cruise is good enough for me. As I'm turning onto one of...
  2. Boost Lee

    Who wants to Photochop my Supra? :-)

    I'd do a cheap job in MS Paint...but I'd like to see what it would look like done in a *properly* manner. :) Take this picture: :) And put on: -Black (or even better, Dark Blue [like my car]) Painted Whale Tail -Simple but [aftermarket] style front lip. Can anyone handle...
  3. Boost Lee

    Arospeed Lowering Springs

    Has anyone ever used or is currently using a set of these bright @$$ banana yellow springs before? :biglaugh: ...Simple enough. Probably the shortest thread I've ever started. Thanks, Jeff
  4. Boost Lee

    Your Top 10 Most Desirable Japanese Cars

    This thread, being made out of complete boredom... Stop what you're doing. Relax. Have a donut and coffee. Think of 10 Japanese cars of any breed/year, whatever that you would LOVE to have................ And post them! :icon_bigg Simple enough. ___ In no specific order...
  5. Boost Lee

    Coldest Winter here in years.......*rant*

    Absolutely freezing balls here. Supra took 7 times to start this morning, The Kitchen sink water pipes are FROZEN so we can't use it, Toilets act weird when trying to flush and hesitate really bad, My windows are frosted on the INSIDE of my windshield of the Supra, and worst of all, The...
  6. Boost Lee


    The Indianapolis Colts just won Superbowl 41!!!!!!!! Haters can just STFU, GTFO, BHG...whatever. :biglaugh: :biglaugh: WE WIN!!!! :D:D:D:D :):):) ::w00t:: ::w00t:: ::w00t::
  7. Boost Lee

    Best Snowman evaR!!!!!

    Go Colts!!!!! w00000000000000000000t. :icon_bigg (Yeah....Can anyone figure out how I made him?) :rolleyes:
  8. Boost Lee

    Greenwood, IN Meet n' Greet Dinner - Feb 3

    DATE: Saturday, February 3, 2007. WHERE: Hooters of Greenwood, IN 7551 South US Hwy 31 Indianapolis, IN 46227 WHEN: 3:00 PM (As long as this is okay with everyone else). WHY: Because the winter sucks, and we can all BS about our Supra's, Life, and anything you want us to know...
  9. Boost Lee

    Boost Lee's End of year (2006) Compilation Vid

    Here you go, ladies. Have at it. :) I would've uploaded it through smvids but I had already started doing it on YouTube and with me being on dial-up, I wasn't about to back out of I actually made the the video in early November, 2006, so things have changed...but it's...
  10. Boost Lee

    Armed and Famous

    I couldn't remember if anyone made a thread about it I'll go ahead and do so. First off, It's in Muncie, Indiana which isn't too far away from me and it is just weird that they were filming something like this in Indiana! :biglaugh: For anybody that watched the first episode last...
  11. Boost Lee

    SPOTTED: Veilside Widebody MK3 in Indianapolis, IN!

    I doubt anyone (other than people in Central Indiana) would have a clue, but as I was heading to work today, I was approaching an intersection and to my surprise, I see a wild looking front bumper and wheels on a MKIII, I'm thinking, "Oh, tits, a Supra! :love:"...and as I slow down to take the...
  12. Boost Lee

    My random thought for the day...Ambulance.

    So....let me set the scene. A woman dials 911 because her husband is having a heart attack. Obviously a life-threatening issue. Within minutes, the Ambulance is rushing to get there... Lets say, half way there, a kid on a bike goes across the street and the ambulance hits the kid on...
  13. Boost Lee

    Best 'Supra Spotted on TV' EVER!!!

    So I'm sitting here surfing the web and happen to see an old episode of Cops on, so I said, what the hell, I'll watch it. (That's one of those shows that I won't go out of my way to watch but when I watch it, I love it). Anyways, The show has started and they are in Broward County, Florida...
  14. Boost Lee

    This MKIV just got OWNED.

    So...I think sawblades on a MKIV are puuuuurfect. :icon_bigg They soooo should've come stock with sawblades. :runaway: Haterade or DamnthatissoJDMtyt3IwantaMKIVwithsawbladeserade? :-p Just thought I would post...Discuss. :naughty:
  15. Boost Lee

    Paintchopped STi w00t w00t

    Saturday night, feel like crap, sat at home...GOT BORED. :icon_conf Original Picture: Modded Picture: (Converted to 2DR, Shaved hood, changed front end, acouple other little things.) Modded Picture w/ 7M swap: (I know it looks fake, wasn't trying to make it look real but rather be stupid...
  16. Boost Lee

    $700 Surround Sound + Dog = BAD

    Next time you buy a $700 Surround Sound System... Make sure you hide your wires well... OTHERWISE YOUR RETARDED ALASKIAN MALAMUTE LAB WILL FIND THEM AND EAT THEM ALIVE!! :icon_evil (Yes, I AM taking advantage of Caps Lock!!) :3d_frown: :rant2: /rant
  17. Boost Lee

    Bugatti Veyron 16.4 - Fastest Production Car Ever!

    This car is just stupid. (Stupid, meaning, insane stupid). Just a few details about this turd: This actually has a HORSEPOWER gauge...:biglaugh: Reads from 0-100-200, etc etc, 800-900-1001. I LOL'd at that one. I'm going to go buy this car and go put a K&N air filter on it :-p, and if...
  18. Boost Lee

    My new Winter driver! W00T! :-)

    So...Got it for just over $1,000... It's a 1990 Cherokee. 4x4, 4.0L, yadda yadda yadda. I'm excited about it because I've never owned anything other than a bunch of little Japanese cars! :icon_bigg Guy told me it was blue when I called...come time to meeting him and getting the...
  19. Boost Lee

    Curious of most frequent age of Supra owners!

    Alrighty. I love doing polls and finding out what is what, or who likes what...but I'm going to make one a little different than usual. As most of us know, The Supra community is surrounded by owners of ALL ages. To me, I think this is really a good quality that we all have amugnst ourselves...
  20. Boost Lee

    New Supra FOR REAL this time!!!! Trust me I know!!!

    The moment you've alllll been waiting for.... :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :runaway: Err...What I would want it to look like if it did come out...:naughty: kthxbye. *edit* Just felt like making a new...