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  1. RTA Supra

    TX2K7... Post up all your pics and vids...

    jwCatto would explain the situation better than I could about that race. I've got a bunch of other videos, but the quality isn't the best
  2. RTA Supra

    TX2K7... Post up all your pics and vids...

    Jake, That's Wes' car. His name on SF is harwewe1. One hell of a guy and a blast to hang out with. Just met his this year along with jwcatto and Kyle
  3. RTA Supra

    Archive: AFC/SAFC/II/Neo Questions

    As taken from - Completely new case design - Compact design - Incorporates both AFC and VAFC functions in one unit - 16 point fuel correction - Color FED display - User defined button and background colors - Inverted "anti-glare" screen
  4. RTA Supra

    TX2K7... Post up all your pics and vids...

    Lance, count me in on the shirt 100%. I guess I can stop buggin Dave about them, lol. Let me know what and when you need all of my info
  5. RTA Supra

    Need Fuel Cut Help

    Don't help Fred! Let him sputter down the 1/4 during eliminations :) Just messin with ya bro, the answer's already in the thread. Lower fp, add some fuel back in, watch the af's and go
  6. RTA Supra

    REIGN's REBUILD! Its a beautiful thing... (THAT IS FOR SALE) =(

    OT- Jake, you and Tamara gonna stand outside and wave at us later when we're passin by? Wish you guys could go :(
  7. RTA Supra

    TX2K7 Roll Call

    Last year's BBQ by the pool was great::w00t::
  8. RTA Supra

    TX2K7 Roll Call

    SF is down :(
  9. RTA Supra

    TX2K7 Roll Call

    Woot! Today's the day FL leaves :) Wish us luck on the drive, there will be plenty of empty red bull can's in the trunk when we get there, lol. Any BBQ's or dinner nights planned again?
  10. RTA Supra

    TX2K7 Roll Call

    You're leaving tomorrow? BOOOOO! Leave on Wed with all of us
  11. RTA Supra

    Some MK3 Pics

    :runaway: :burnout: ::bhg::
  12. RTA Supra

    Some MK3 Pics

    Come down this weekend, we're having a pre-Texas MKIII meet
  13. RTA Supra

    Some MK3 Pics

    got that turbo on yet?
  14. RTA Supra

    Some MK3 Pics

    Just shot some random pics of some friends cars
  15. RTA Supra

    Pre-Texas MKIII/Supra Event

    Hey guys, Please let me know if you signed up and CAN'T make it. We'll be getting the food together early Saturday and need to make sure we have ample food :bigthumb: Also, if you're reading this for the first time and haven't signed up, just reply letting me know! Looks like it should be a...
  16. RTA Supra

    How about Jacksonville peeps?
  17. RTA Supra

    PS HELP Please

    His power steering completely went out. His speedometer cable is broken. Since the Progressive Power Steering works off a speed sensor on the gauge cluster he wants to know if that's what caused the steering to go out or if it's part of the problem. I think that sums up his overall question...
  18. RTA Supra

    U.S. Street Nationals - Tampa, FL 1-28-07

    Mr. Efantis Engine Bay Titan's tC Titan had the best seats in the house