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  1. lppro

    new pics of the flat black sup

    yes they do make a flat clear coat..
  2. lppro

    south florida supra owners! read this!

    no one? .....
  3. lppro

    new pics of the flat black sup

    and its not primer its acrilic lackur (sp?)
  4. lppro

    new pics of the flat black sup

    windows are tinted.. 20% all the way around lol there just rolled down. and yes i need some springs...
  5. lppro

    new pics of the flat black sup

    i fixed the rust on the rear finders and replaced all the other pannels that were rusted
  6. lppro

    south florida supra owners! read this!

    Im trying to put togeather a south florida supra club... more spacificley the broward county area. i really want to get supra people togeather to socialize and help each other with our cars. and maby do some group dyno sessions. lets get this going!
  7. lppro

    What Engine/Transmissions fit in MK3's?

    ive seen a twin turboed chevy 350... dont remember whare tho...
  8. lppro

    new pics of the flat black sup

    i sanded it down with 180 then 320 then primed it then wet sanded with 600 then painted it.
  9. lppro

    new pics of the flat black sup

    rattle can(= lol it actually turned out good.. but dont get coolent on it...
  10. lppro

    new pics of the flat black sup

    ya it just kinda sucks with no a/c...... lol
  11. lppro

    new pics of the flat black sup

    what you guys think? if you havent seen my other thread this is what it uesd to look like oh and thanks for the rims csnow!
  12. lppro

    new radiator available from FFD

    it looks exactley like my godspeed.... even has the same cap...
  13. lppro

    Possibly beating a dead horse... (intercooler piping)

    if you have good fabrication skills you can get a universal kit for cheep and just make it fit... i just bought one on ebay for $58
  14. lppro

    antilock brakes question

    so what could be wrong with them? the abs light just came on one day and now they dont work.. the wheels just lock up when i slam on the brakes...
  15. lppro

    antilock brakes question

    how hard is it to remove the anti lock and make it a standard brake system? because mine is perty much dead weight.. it dosent work(= lol
  16. lppro

    Totalled My supra this morning

    whare in south fl do u live?
  17. lppro


    wow thats cool!^^
  18. lppro

    License Suspended!!!!!!!!

  19. lppro

    power stearing leak

    is this a common problam with older suprs? im trying to figure out whare its commin from and i just wanted to see if there was a hose or fitting that commonley has problams before i start tring to find it.. thanks for the help!