Search results

  1. RPSil13

    Upgraded front brakes 300 zx calipers.

    so has a price been set, i want the brackets and rings,
  2. RPSil13

    dead in the hole

    check your spark plug wires,
  3. RPSil13

    1jz engine no ecu no harness, what to do

    when you say 2jz harness would it matter if its a 2jz GE or GTE thanks
  4. RPSil13

    1jz engine no ecu no harness, what to do

    i guess ill give aaron a call tomorrow morning, also does anyone have a link to people running a 1jz off of a 2jz harness thanks
  5. RPSil13

    1jz engine no ecu no harness, what to do

    if i have a 1 jz engine, but it comes w/ no harness or ecu, what is the best method to go about getting the engine running, could i just go stand alone or would i still need a 1jz harness, or is the 2jz harness compatible, sorry if these are stupid questions but i could figure out what to search...
  6. RPSil13

    Upgraded front brakes 300 zx calipers.

    no update yet?????????? aaaaahhhhhhhhh, i want this
  7. RPSil13


    if its such a bad idea to have the streering, brake mc, etc on the hot side then why does it come like that in japan, to the OP people have been doing this for years w/ other cars (most commonly 240's), i say go for it since there should be an abundance of parts from people who buy front clips...
  8. RPSil13


    ^^^^exactly its like all those times your sitting in the pass seat and your like man i wish i was driving (like when the gf is driving) now you can, im not saying its the best for dd, but its really cool
  9. RPSil13


    has anyone that is posting against ever driven a rhd car, it F*****'in FUN!!! try it sometime
  10. RPSil13

    Anyone want a real cold air intake?

    cant you just use an intake for a 1jz and slightly modify it, i think thats what im going to end up doing
  11. RPSil13

    Who needs a Good Deal on a MkIII (CA - SF Bay Area)

    maybe someone in SF should go check it out for the rest of us
  12. RPSil13

    Upgraded front brakes 300 zx calipers.

    lets get this thing rollin, my cars sitting on jacks waiting for brakes, and i dont want to go buy rotors and pads and then replace them again, YAY!!!
  13. RPSil13

    1jz soarer w/ supra harness

    so just get a supra 1jz ecu+supra 1jz harness+ SOARER 1jz engine = ok
  14. RPSil13

    1jz soarer w/ supra harness

    theres a guy selling a soarer 1jz but its just the engine, i also found a 1jz harness but its from a supra, can i combine these two, sorry if its totally stupid question, also wheres the best place to get a 1jz complete gasket set thanks Art
  15. RPSil13

    1jz drift s13 build...

    dont listen to these guys the s13 rear end is SICK, mk3 and s13's have totally different styling, so you would never see an mk3 w/ a rear end like that but they look sexy on s13's
  16. RPSil13

    Upgraded front brakes 300 zx calipers.

    well keep us posted b/c it looks like someone already started a group buy, but it'll prob be easier and faster if they are being made and shipped in the US
  17. RPSil13

    Upgraded front brakes 300 zx calipers.

    the only reason i'd like to just get a set is b/c i dont want to wait for everyone to have their money and then have a bunch of flakers, if you dont know what im talking about take a look at the group buy section and how they are alwaya having troubles getting enough people, and sometimes these...
  18. RPSil13

    Upgraded front brakes 300 zx calipers.

    very interested in a set, i had seen someone post a website where you can buy them directly from uk, anyone have that link thankks
  19. RPSil13

    car's been sitting for a year, what now?

    well this weekend has been pretty hectic, so i thought it was the fuel pump. so i changed the fuel filter, then i drained like 12 gallons of fuel, dropped the tank, cleaned it out then i placed the pump in a container of gas and hooked it up directly to the battery and it WORKED!! aaarrrgghhh...