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  1. jdmfreak


    scheduled dyno session tomorrow, stay tuned.......lets see where the weak point in my setup is.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern
  3. jdmfreak

    jdmfreak's A NEW BEGINNING (BUILD THREAD) thanks to nathaninwa All issues have been sorted out, now to tidy up some wires and get on the dyno!
  4. jdmfreak

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    I finally ironed out all of my issues with my vvti 2jzgte pulls hard at 15psi, need to hit the dyno for some tuning fun
  5. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern

    And there was duking watching the race from a-far wishing for his steed to stop limping so he could make the journey to events such as these that he has dreamed of attending for years
  6. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern

    Well that's 3 years to build your nsx and get that bug out if your system before you come back to the supra world;)
  7. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern

    We miss you too, when is your Texas stint over?
  8. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern

    Congrats! Not spending money on my supra has allowed my bank account to grow also lol
  9. jdmfreak

    2j high rpm breakup

    Im on rising right now with a solid signal nodrift. If i switch to falling it jumps 10deg randomly Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. jdmfreak

    2j high rpm breakup

    7200rpm, no cracks i can find, yes my fpr and tried a buddies with no change, no codes Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. jdmfreak

    2j high rpm breakup

    The only one vvti has only one cam sensor The vvti uses a 36-2 crank wheel and a 3 tooth cam wheel
  12. jdmfreak

    2j high rpm breakup

    Dwell is 3.0 They are picky but same coils and dwell as my 7m which ran great, but I've also tried 1, 2.5, and 3.7 with no change
  13. jdmfreak

    2j high rpm breakup

    Yes, it is sequential but setting it to wasted cop doesn't change the breakup
  14. jdmfreak

    2j high rpm breakup

    This was when they were at .030 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. jdmfreak

    2j high rpm breakup

    It was at.030 I dropped it to .025 with no change Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern

    Yes,dial-up lol.... A VVTLi 7m would be awesome, the new head could fix all the 7m issues
  17. jdmfreak

    2j high rpm breakup

    Hey guys, I've been fighting a under load high rpm breakup in my vvti 2jzgte ever since I dropped in the engine happens about 5k rpm and whatever boost that happens to be, I am running megasquirt, ls2 coils cop with ngk bkr7 plugs, I've also got a walbro 400lph fuel pump, - 8 fuel line to the...
  18. jdmfreak

    Flying out to pick up my New (to me) Mark III

    I'd highly recommend arp head STUDS instead of replacement bolts
  19. jdmfreak


    Originally it acted as if it was blowing spark or losing fuel (in the car felt harsh like stoc fuel cut) so I upgraded to -8 fuel line from the tank forward,replaced the little springs in the cop boots, double checked wires to coils, checked timing belt alignment, tps and wires to it, last time...
  20. jdmfreak


    Been having some majority issues with the tuning I get a major breakup/powerless/complete shutdown around 14psi and 4k rpm until I lift off th throttle, I've gone over everything and this shouldn't be happening lol everything I look at mechanical checks out and I get more convinced it's the...