Search results

  1. flight doc89

    Massachusetts Drivers are Crazy?

    I should qualify my earlier comment: ATL drivers are assholes, but not all of them are necessarily bad. Alabama drivers, on the other hand, are not usually assholes but instead can't drive for shit.
  2. flight doc89

    Massachusetts Drivers are Crazy?

    Yeah, well those Atlanta, GA drivers are the worst. Cut you off left and right and get major road rage if you don't let them cut you off. :)
  3. flight doc89

    Fuc* UPS

    Get another job. I got a seasonal job for Wolf Camera (I won't be able to keep it past xmas because I won't be able to drive an hour each way to work full time while being a full time student). I'm averaging 15/hour with no heavy labor working inside (out of the cold and rain). Don't even need a...
  4. flight doc89

    ever eat dog food ?

    Where the fuck do you find this shit?
  5. flight doc89

    Rock, Paper, Scissors v1.0

    i can fix that
  6. flight doc89

    Living in a cul-de-sac

    I live 5 minutes out of town. Don't have to worry that kind of stuff. Besides, if someone messes with my house before I introduce them to my neighbor, their german shepherd will eat the people alive, or at least make enough noise to wake the neighbor :D (Once I introduce them, the dog is fine)...
  7. flight doc89

    research paper

    ok first off, what kind of research paper is this? What class, what are the grading criteria? Engine swap is probably a Bad Idea for a college level research paper, as you aren't going to find peer reviewed sources. Most of your sources are going to be purely opinion with dyno sheets and track...
  8. flight doc89

    Insurance adding drivers?

    Whole family uses USAA. Never had any prob. It cost me nothing to add my fiance as a secondary driver. If I were you, I would take them up on their second offer (to get better insurance).
  9. flight doc89

    Rock, Paper, Scissors v1.0

    Granite saw beats rock
  10. flight doc89

    Dead Wrong

    so no taxes?
  11. flight doc89

    Rock, Paper, Scissors v1.0

  12. flight doc89

    Dead Wrong oops, my bad :D
  13. flight doc89

    What are you reading?

    The Sum of All Fears - Tom Clancy
  14. flight doc89

    who loves the smell of race gas burning?

    Avgas > JP4 > Diesel
  15. flight doc89

    Rock, Paper, Scissors v1.0

    I cant fix that