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  1. Bmettie

    To tune or not to tune?

    Pull the EFI fuse for a min, this will reset the TCCS and make it re-learn/tune itself to the new conditions it is seeing.
  2. Bmettie

    My MKIII Build

    Pic Update: Coil Harness All new! Throttle Linkage Delete with cruise I love wrinkle!
  3. Bmettie

    My MKIII Build

    Yes on the notch, no on the bolts. I replaced the bolts with button heads.
  4. Bmettie

    My MKIII Build

  5. Bmettie

    My MKIII Build

    here ya go
  6. Bmettie

    My MKIII Build

    Its been awhile since I updated this so here we go: BC264 Cams went in and shes running great. Going standalone now so I'm switching to a COP setup, most likely 1zz coils. But I didn't want to delete the linkage and lose cruise, I like the luxury part of our sport luxury cars, so I wrapped...
  7. Bmettie

    Higher oil PSI?

    Shimming the relief valve will do nothing for idle oil pressure. Its a relief valve, meaning when you shim it your adjusting the point at which it "reliefs" oil out of the system and back into the pan. So basically your raising max oil pressure allowed in the system when you shim the valve...
  8. Bmettie

    Thread Pitch Sheet

    So i put this together a couple years ago, from some info i found and personal entries myself over time. Its a work in progress and I envision it ending up being a massive collaboration of information from the community. It has empty spots as well as missing descriptions. If you would like...
  9. Bmettie

    Thread pitch for tstat housing.....some of this crap has to go!

    3/8 BSPT, any tapered thread on a 7M is BSPT. Good source here I have an excel sheet, I put together years ago, of almost every single thread pitch on a 7M. SM won't let me upload it but if anyone wants to host it I'd be happy...
  10. Bmettie

    AEM v2 pnp or MS3 pro

    If you look at it is is actually a dual PnP/universal unit. All MS3 options are there and available if you want them(wiring required). On top of the MS3pro options there are also, a built in MAP sensor, built in Baro sensor, built in bluetooth, auto control, will mount in stock location, 1 year...
  11. Bmettie

    AEM v2 pnp or MS3 pro

    There's a pnp ms3pro group but going on now.!&p=2035338#post2035338
  12. Bmettie

    ISCV Not working. Bad Wiring probably... How to test it? You should have +12v from the ecu on B1 and B2 with ign on. S1-4 are sequential ground pulses from the ecu.
  13. Bmettie

    Fuel hose or no? Anyone help please

    I'd also do something better with that feed line going to the rail.
  14. Bmettie

    Like what... How

    Yea, the studs are there to hold the wheel on, not hold the car up. You need rings or this will happen again.
  15. Bmettie

    90 turbo auto harness 5 speed swap
  16. Bmettie

    maft pro general questions

    Read up MAF-T Pro Manual
  17. Bmettie

    maft pro general questions

    Mainscale is what your looking for. That's for gross adjustment across the board, then you'll have to tune with user tunes from there.
  18. Bmettie

    Replaced distributer o ring, now I lost power.

    Did you reset the timing when you were done?
  19. Bmettie

    Ask your tuning questions here; open discussion thread on engine tuning.

    Ok so I just put 264 cams in my 7M running on a MAFT Pro speed density. I had to pull quite a bit of fuel at idle-2k to get the wb back to stoich at idle and cruising, is that normal? I guess what I should be asking is I've never had the ability to tune a car when upgrading cams before, what...
  20. Bmettie

    Help me troubleshoot 3 ABS Codes

    Looks like the motor itself is grounded to chassis here There is a ground in the harness though Pin 4 Connector "C" here Then through Pin 6 of...