looks cool. but a couple things.
do you plan on cutting out the rear sheetmetal and dropping this in? how do you plan on bracing it? how are you making a cover for it? are you gonna support the fuel pump other than the 2 bolts?
i like it w/o the center caps. but not crazy about the big chrome lug nuts. i would prefer some of the lightweight black ones. i really like the color. its kinda like gunmetal w/ a bronze tint.
does this help any jon?
not real familiar w/ subie stuff.
i thought id get clever and searched for wrx sti afc/avcr install instructions. those usually have an ecu pin out. i would look more but im tired ;) maybe this will get you on the right track to something. worst case ralliart...
i think if you found someone who was a tech at bilstein they could design some custom drag struts to help with weight transfer. that would really help with some traction issues. ;)
nope thats the car doing what it was designed to do. anything less than ~75% throttle it is running closed loop. in closed loop, the ecu tries to maintain 14.7:1 a/f.
the service manual says-
4.3psi at warm idle
36-71psi at 3k rpm warm
also i change my oil and filter every 5k miles and use 10w40 as the manual suggests.
i just wish i could come. id line up w/ a 2j'd mk3.
i think participation is a catch 22. there are several rookie drag racers and/or have a lightly mod'd car. they dont want to look "dumb", esp if they had to line up against a much more powerful car. but at the same time without the...
i would be happy to see enough mk3's to fill a class. the more people participate the more they can cater to making more classes. personally i dont care where a 2jz swapped mk3 races. no matter what you do someone is gonna get butt hurt.
if you arent getting any vac at the fpr i would look at the vsv. bypass it and see if that fixes the problem.
btw, if you dont know the vsv = vacuum switching valve. its the little box thing w/ a 2 wire connector under the intake manifold. has a vac line on each side of it.
forza here. was the only seat i could find that was big enough for me. i had sat in several and the supports either jabbed me in the back of the shoulders or in the kidneys or both.
i had considered the stock recaro seats but they sit up way too much for me. my head is on the roof with the...
i understand business. but in a few posts in the thread it looked like you were trying to put aaron down. then you start a group buy and post in the thread again about your group buy for $10 less than what aaron offered it for. looked like a low cut hey come by from me instead because i can...
pull a plug wire one at a time from the coil pack and see if the noise goes away. if it does, you know its a motor prob and what cyl. if not, you know it is elsewhere.
i agree. that was a bitch move for $10
and with everything that went down with the shirts i cant believe anyone would even consider buying anything from ideal. this is just low down to try to take money away from someone just to try and prove something.
tune will have a lot to do w/ mph. be sure to watch a/f when running open dp. ive seen that make a big change in a/f.
better tires and removing the front sway bar will really help get those 60' down too. often better 60' will lead to lower mph but a quicker et. generally 1/10th in 60'...
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