Hey guys/gals i wanted to share some songs i've made through out the year and would like to get opinions on them. All of the songs have descriptions on them so read them to know the story for them :) thanks everyone.
I personally think a million is way to much for a car. I don't care how over engineered it is. Although a 2 mill pagoni zonda r would be sweet lol but Idk that new Lexus lfa sounds like sex to
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ok so my headlight housing on my 79 camaro got brutally raped by a rock, that being the case gave me a reason to overly fix it :P but i'm curious about a company, im looking at doing HID's dual beam'ed 55watt...
i was just talking about this today.
why pay 2 million for a veyron with 1000hp when you could just pay like 20,000 for a supra and mod it to 1000hp lol
Totally ghetto way to block the accordian hose port for the bov is to use a lug nut. But a normal vacuum plug will work fine.
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if im reading the electrical diagrams it could also be
vsv for intake
vsv for EGR
ISC valve
02 sensor
check connector
Radiator fluid level switch
Ground point on left fender
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