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  1. gaboonviper85

    TED Cam re-grind

    because they are $525......drrrrrr
  2. gaboonviper85

    Smokey exhaust

    Jesus people it's winter time....does it seriously take a ninja to figure out that every car has white steam/smoke comeing from it upon startup??? The black oily shit is carbon..carbon is a byproduct of combustion...considering your exhaust is blowing steam ofcourse when you run your fingers...
  3. gaboonviper85

    Stupid Honda owner... good if not better than the claw!
  4. gaboonviper85

    Thinking of joining the military

    How old are you tanya? 85celicasupra...that's funny...I got my ass chewed out today for calling an 85 supra a "celica"...strange!!!!
  5. gaboonviper85

    bad clutch /a tranny whine

    If you are useing the r154 turbo trans then driftmotion sells a rebuild kit for $200 ish....rebuilding a trans isn't for the wrench retarded though! Personally I'd just get a used trans... The sound is probably the throwout bearing or the pilot shaft bearing.
  6. gaboonviper85

    When cold = full boost but no acceleration?

    Again I ask "care to explain"...I don't know what's normal and what's not but I want to know why his car is doing all rights if he is showing positive boost then there should be more power...what could cause this issue?
  7. gaboonviper85

    South Jersey Fast & Furious Meet April 3rd 2009

    That cuts..cuts deep man!:-( But I was also wondering if you have any torque yet....oh wait....nevermind LOL I'm actually buying a turbo supra tomorrow or Saturday...has a bhg but I've already started building a turbo won't be ready by this meet but I'm hopeing by summer.
  8. gaboonviper85

    Probe damage, my fault, experts see (Pics)

    That is trophy damage right there!!! If I blow a motor it better look like that!
  9. gaboonviper85

    Kitty :'(

    Mind posting links to said info?? I call bullshit. Personally I really don't see the difference between a cat and a rodent...we feed rodents to snakes and it's not considered cruel...I don't see why we can't use cats as bait or food...why can't large snake owners go to the ASPCA and get the...
  10. gaboonviper85

    bad clutch /a tranny whine

    Well I'll tell you right now that you are running the wrong type of trans fluid for our are only going to speed up transmission wear useing that royal purple. How much clutch pedal free play do you have? there oil comeing from your bell houseing?...does the noise go...
  11. gaboonviper85

    a little help

    Something doesn't seem right! I'd pass on it myself....waaaaay to cheap even for a rebuild.
  12. gaboonviper85

    water to air intercooler

    Ij has/had a nice setup...From what I understand they are pretty wicked if you do it can pack the res with dry ice for extra cooling etc...they don't heatsoak threw stop and go traffic...lots of great things about them but the look like a real pain to set up!
  13. gaboonviper85

    disconecting the engine from the trans

    What exactly is the question here??? I don't quite get what you're saying.
  14. gaboonviper85

    well damn everyone else has one....goal=keep it running!

    ra is the scale they use to measure surface roughness...the higher the number the rougher the finish...120ra looks like a chainsaw cut ra of 4 is a "mirror" finish etc.
  15. gaboonviper85

    Question on routing tubing for mechanical oil pressure gauge.

    really makes no sense to use mechanical oil gauges these days in my opinion...especially with the gauge in the cockpit....i wouldnt mind haveing a mechanical mounted under the hood but not inside. electronic gauges are very good these days and much easier to route threw a car. if i was you...
  16. gaboonviper85

    Overheated engine damage to block?

    deposits have nothing to do with where the motor is from but more to do with the quality of oil and a functional case ventilation system.
  17. gaboonviper85

    Whats the highest boost on Lexus/550 set up?

    The info in this thread fails! I don't think a 57 ct flows enough air within its efficientcy(sp) range too fuel cut on a lex setup.