God DOES matter to those who believe in Him/Her/It.
Theresa: :: shows AngryParvin picture of severely deformed baby::
AngryParvin: How can you tell me there's a God? No "God" would let this happen to someone.
Theresa: :: shrugs :: He's only one person. There's GOT to be some...
Babies are ugly. My opinion, and a blanket statement.
You threatened my 'babies' personally. You didn't call them ugly, you offered to kill them. That's a little different, don't you think?
Let's take into consideration that I consider those things my adopted children. Okayfine, yes they're made into coats, and I'm not anti-fur, so I can easily take the fur coat/snake food jokes.
Threaten to kill them? That's like coming after my children. So, y'know. Please die in a fire...
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