hahah awesome. Yeah, as soon as I get my comp built (waiting for my CPU, keyboard, and DVD burner to come in tomorrow courtesy of UPS), I'ma invest in a PB gun since I'm only 19 (well, soon to be 19). No CHL yet. I wish we had gotten an apartment facing the parking lot, that way I could snipe outta my window. oh well.
What's funny though is that on Sunday, my gf and myself detailed her car ('01 'Clipse spyder) along with the help of her parents. Took us a good 4.5 hours or so. At the end of it all, they offered to detail my car, but we decided not to since it was getting late and it was muggy as hell outside. I'm kinda glad now that I didn't detail my car cuz that would've been another 4.5 hours down the hole cuz of some buttfuckers not respecting other people's properties.