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  1. gaboonviper85

    help on one person brake bleed

    you can do a gravity bleed...but thats not the best method....all you do is crack one bleeder at a time and sit and wait till fluid runs out then tighten it back up....then move on to the next. or go to a parts store and buy a brake bleeder pump...
  2. gaboonviper85

    decked empera's rear timing cover...

    From me $0...from someone else $80 ish cause it took an hour to set up and mill.
  3. gaboonviper85

    decked empera's rear timing cover...

    ive also fixed empera's 2j head that was decked at a machine shop with a belt sander.....its crazy!
  4. gaboonviper85

    decked empera's rear timing cover...

    thanks IJ! the fitment was perfect....its really not a big deal and cant understand why some think its the end of the world if it was forgotten.
  5. gaboonviper85

    decked empera's rear timing cover...

    figured id post some pics as to how "I" decked it... people say its hard to do...or a pain in the ass...but if you decked a 7m block and didnt do it with the timing cover on this is the way i would/did do it. sorry im really stoned if im not making sense. used a 90 deg "angle plate" on...
  6. gaboonviper85

    2 step

    build and automatic transmission to handle power stalls.....
  7. gaboonviper85

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    dude....get smart and buy ammo online during sales and order it in bulk...
  8. gaboonviper85

    Problems Taking My Motor Out

    I recomend putting the trans back on and pull it all as one will make your life easier!
  9. gaboonviper85

    Problems Taking My Motor Out

    shouldnt have too.... is the trans still bolted to the body?