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  1. DreamerTheresa

    Guess these ingredients

    I don't think I see any camel, but okay. That thing is creepy as all get-out, but the sculpter is brilliant.
  2. DreamerTheresa

    Are you a Veggy? or not?

    If you can't save the world, you can at least save your part of it. Most vegetarians I know do it for themselves, not to "save the cows/chickens/etc." I would like to eat more organic/free-range food, but there's not a Harry's/Whole Foods nearby, so I'll do what I can until then. :P...
  3. DreamerTheresa


    You motherfuckingshitbag. It was funny until I saw the file name. You'd better sleep with your mouth closed.
  4. DreamerTheresa

    Final MR-S run in japan

    Yeah. Buying a new car in the middle of college isn't the best idea in the world. But I love my Damien. Lovelovelovelove. :: hugs him ::
  5. DreamerTheresa


    Lack of sleep and long work hours have me in a pissy mood. At least SupraCentral says I'm pissy. I just think I'm just sleep deprived. And we're out of ice cream. Ben and Jerry's One Sweet Whirrled for the win. Favorite ice cream flavors? Or has this been done already...
  6. DreamerTheresa

    Final MR-S run in japan

    My psychic abilities suck today.
  7. DreamerTheresa

    ***The Every Other Color and Wild Paint Scheme Supras Thread***

    Fixed. I knew I'd left out a preposition.
  8. DreamerTheresa

    Final MR-S run in japan

    Toyota whined that the sales of the MR-S here in the states were the suck. However, they only spent about $100 marketing the damn thing, and the car the marketing was done was mostly toward the 18-24 crowd. Really, the age group that couldn't afford $25+ for a new car. ...unless you're a...
  9. DreamerTheresa

    ***The Every Other Color and Wild Paint Scheme Supras Thread***

    Neh. It's just pink on cars make me want to vom.
  10. DreamerTheresa

    ***The Every Other Color and Wild Paint Scheme Supras Thread***

    No, no. I give props for how well it's done. But pink cars, like dogs with sweaters and kids/babies with stripper names, strike some deep, seething angry chord with me, and I turn into the she-hulk.
  11. DreamerTheresa

    ***The Every Other Color and Wild Paint Scheme Supras Thread***

    I just REEEAAAAALLLLY hate pink on cars. And don't give me started about THAT botched abortion. I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself for being quite the factor in getting that lame-ass banninated from SoofraForums.
  12. DreamerTheresa

    ***The Every Other Color and Wild Paint Scheme Supras Thread***

    This is 'ew.' Not a very high 'ew' on the 'ew richtor scale,' but 'ew,' nonetheless.' Mike tried desperately to keep me from replying to this. I'm so furious someone would abuse a Supra like this, I was nearly spitting fire. But I have to be nice in this forum. I think the fact that it...
  13. DreamerTheresa

    What pisses you off?

    I hate having colds. Not being able to breathe through my nose pisses me off. :(
  14. DreamerTheresa

    What pisses you off?

    I was pumping gas after work one night, and the local rice brigade pulls in. Some other kid has an MR-2 Spyder, so I go and say hello. Then he's all like "OOH!! Whaddaya got in your CAAARR!!!" me: "Meh. Just a CAI." him: "Oh. Well, I have a bazillion more horsepower because I have...
  15. DreamerTheresa

    What's your favorite Christmas/holiday song?

    I disclaimed the thread title with "holiday song." :)
  16. DreamerTheresa

    What's your favorite Christmas/holiday song?

    I really like "O Holy Night." Turns out I can't sing it without getting all choked up. :P pffft. And you people think I'm the anti-Christ.
  17. DreamerTheresa

    Who's drunk right now!?

    :: points and laughs :: Man, wine always gives me such freaking killer hangovers. Especially when I go and mix wine with some other kind of alcohol.
  18. DreamerTheresa

    Official Postwhore thread (Was: Countdown to....)

    Moved because there was no evidence of boobs or kitties or anything in this thread.
  19. DreamerTheresa

    Who's drunk right now!?

    ...wait.... what....?
  20. DreamerTheresa

    Who's drunk right now!?

    ...wait, what?