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  1. eman2289

    does your car have a theme song?

    Highway to hell. AC/DC
  2. eman2289

    What do you guys do when there is a rusted bolt?

    Another vote for pb blaster. It has saved my ass many times before.
  3. eman2289

    Big problems help ASAP

    Where did you have the HG fixed? Did they torque it to 85 ft/lbs?
  4. eman2289

    new mamber

    Welcome. There is a WTB section that you can post in.
  5. eman2289

    Thermostat Location and replacement.

    Im guessing you have electric fans. Did you do a compression test?
  6. eman2289

    Favorite movie quotes....V.thishasneverbeendonebefore

    ^10 things I hate about you. :sarcasm: "Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
  7. eman2289

    Thermostat Location and replacement.

    ^ No, it didn't cause any problems in my car. If you are still overheating, have you done a head gasket yet?
  8. eman2289

    Time to rebuild. PICs updated as i go.

    That 60 trim is not going to be too reliable. There have been many horror stories about them going after only a few hundred miles.
  9. eman2289

    Favorite movie quotes....V.thishasneverbeendonebefore

    ^ Fight Club "Hey pigfucker, can I call you pigfucker?"
  10. eman2289

    Favorite movie quotes....V.thishasneverbeendonebefore

    oh, I've never seen desperado. Well then you weren't wrong ^anchorman "you ain't cool unless you pee your pants"
  11. eman2289

    Favorite movie quotes....V.thishasneverbeendonebefore

    ^Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "Every man dies, but not every man really lives"
  12. eman2289

    Looking for scannable MKIII brochures

    Hey, I have a mint 1988 dealer brocure. I dont have a scanner and i dont know how I feel about sending it to an unknown member. Do you know of any places that I could go to in order to get it scanned, such asna Walgreens or some place like that?
  13. eman2289

    Hello, Hello, and Hello.

    Hello, and let me give you some advise. Do not clean the MAF sensor. You will need to get a new one which is $$$ or get a used one in working condition. Our MAF sensors do not take kindly to cleaning.
  14. eman2289

    Tail Lamp Failure Box

    Ok, thanks guys.
  15. eman2289

    Tail Lamp Failure Box

    I know this thread old, but I have done reading and I have not found the answer. Can I just buy a TFB off of an 89+ for my 88 with 89+ tails? And then just swap the boxes out?
  16. eman2289

    Find your Supra on google maps PART II! New Street view added.

    Florida Nudist Colony?? Hahahaha. You cant see my Supra in my pic...
  17. eman2289

    Dont buy ebay projector lenses...pix within...(56k, you kidding me?)

    Yours looks so much better compared to the ebay ones SC, but The non-level beam would annoy me. I had a 350z and the pattern was pretty straight. How would you go about correcting that?
  18. eman2289

    what do you guys think?

    It could have been a collaboration. Thats why I didn't mention any names. But I actually do like the "eyelids".