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  1. Adjuster

    Last thread, I am gone..

    I'm actually speachless. I'd rather that you did not go. I belive that you and I should avoid many subjects, and just agree to disagree, and get on with our lives.
  2. Adjuster

    How about some terrorist profiling?

    I fly all the time for work, and have before 911, and since. (Well, I was driving for awhile there untill flights came back on line..) One "search" in particular comes to mind. The company travel services bought me one way tickets, and that insures your going to get searched every time you...
  3. Adjuster

    Al Gores new "farenhate 9-11" type movie

    Best thing about you Kai, is that your not a US citizen, so you don't get to vote here :) If you want Al Gore and Mike More so much, I'm sure you should ask them to move to your backyard... (I would pity England for that move, nobody deserves to have these jackasses living anywhere near them...
  4. Adjuster

    Al Gores new "farenhate 9-11" type movie

    Ok, before you all set off to debunk what I've just posted. PLEASE look at Al's book. Note the photos of the melting glaciers. Note in the really old photo, you can see moran deposits of earth and rocks scraped off the mountains and left behind when the glaicier melts... (Normal stuff here...
  5. Adjuster

    Al Gores new "farenhate 9-11" type movie

    Have not seen the movie, and untill it's free, and I have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do, I will not. Have however looked at his book. (About 12.00 at Costco.) Very interesting book. Full of photos, graphs, IPCC data, concerned scientists and of course Al's own diatribe about how the...
  6. Adjuster

    should i use protection on my water hose? =P

    Mine are coated inside and out with thermal barrier coatings from It's a wet spray coating you then bake in your oven for one hour at about 300 degrees F. Turned out nice, keeps heat out of my coolant since this runs under the exhaust manifold, and stops corrosion. BTW, I...
  7. Adjuster

    OMFG A bee flew into my engine $#^$%

    Bee's knees is a saying that your the best. Most wanted or highly desired. I belive it's because if you look at a bee's knees, you notice all the pollen collected there? Farmers like pollen because it allows fruit and crops to grow... ' So, if a farmer said you were the "bee's Knee's" your...
  8. Adjuster

    Alumina wheels?

    Well, imagine this... Upgrade your car by changing over to allumium "glass" and reduce the weight of your car by a substantial amount. (Glass is pretty heavy v/s transparent alluminum if it weighs similar to normal opaque alloy.) Also safer for you, when your car is hit by another, the...
  9. Adjuster

    OMFG A bee flew into my engine $#^$%

    Well, we have proof now that even the bee's know that the 7M is where it's at... Never heard of any flying into a JZ engine... :) 7M=bees knees...
  10. Adjuster

    Vortec 4200 Turbo

    I remember John Moss did one a few years ago with twins, and it was "estimated" at about 550 crank on a stock block, and they were using a stock AWD system, so it really put down the power. GM decided not to go this route.. Bummer. What GM needs to do is make this a reality in a RWD or AWD...
  11. Adjuster

    Why i am seriously considering...

    Have you looked in the mirror lately Joel?
  12. Adjuster

    Why i am seriously considering...

    Let's see, nice insult hidden as a peace offering.. Orwellian of me? LOL Let's see how to word this... Thank's Joel for the peace offer, and I'd be happy to ramble on about something else anytime George Orwell would allow me to since big brother is watching me, and you all the time...
  13. Adjuster

    Why i am seriously considering...

    Ok, back on topic. Someone wants to leave, thinks his country has failed him, and that the grass is greener elsewhere. (Just happens to appear this person want's to run off to socialist fantasy land, where everyone loves their neighbor, there is no crime, poverty and surely no urban sprawl...
  14. Adjuster

    Joel VS Adjuster Thread...

    Oh, here is more. Yep, crackpot ideas right? Or are we finally realizing that "fossil fuels" is like "the world is flat" knowlege that Man was so tied to just a few hundred years ago?
  15. Adjuster

    Joel VS Adjuster Thread...

    Very interesting information. There is also a nice article in the Wall Street Journal about Gold, and refilling oil deposits. (That is where I found out that all the crap they taught me in school about fossil fuels was pretty much bull shit.)
  16. Adjuster

    Joel VS Adjuster Thread...

    Here is where I base my theory on oil/gas and hydrocarbons. Read Gold's book, "Deep hot earth" and it's very interesting. The write up I just linked is not the most flattering, but I want to stay objective here. (There is more proof that...
  17. Adjuster

    Joel VS Adjuster Thread...

    ...the microphone comes down... the crowd falls silent... "Ladies and Gentlemen... Welcome to the world's best Supra site, and the Off Topic fourm"... "In the Right corner, we have Adjuster, undefeated Conservative.. blah blah.." "In the Left corner, we have Joel, champion of LEE...
  18. Adjuster

    Joel VS Adjuster Thread...

    Hey man, I think we should have a thread we we get to debate everything from MMGW to whatever else comes along, and not have to hyjack other's threads in the process. What do you think? Ok here are the rules... There are no rules.. :) And anyone else can join in anytime they want...
  19. Adjuster

    Why i am seriously considering...

    Yep, here it is.. Joel, you get to follow your own words, and dispise them... LOL Linky. Global warming is already occurring, and is expected to accelerate during the next few decades. The...
  20. Adjuster

    Why i am seriously considering...

    "Edit* I do like the military. It's corrupt political leaders/media I despise." Quote from Joel again. Endquote. Then Joel, you really should despise your LEE friends who just managed to sway the Governator to sign onto this new CA bill to reduce C02 by 25%... The LEE group is quoted on...